IronToader For Country President (On The Military)

Day 1,228, 18:21 Published in Canada Canada by CptKaydee

Well I recently discovered our budget could hold a war. What does this mean? Well it seems if I am elected you will see much more than a training war. By my understanding this will have to pass congress. Seeing the amount of war hungry/militia member congressmen I see a war in the next month. I know I mentioned I am against any conflicts but seeing how much the VAT brings in, I say MOAR WAR. But this means the VAT taxes will stay the same.

What do you say?

HOPE's Funding?

As you know there is a new militia among eCanada, HOPE. Created by Lavis Knight. The militia currently has no government funding. That needs to be changed. I propose to fund them 1,250 CAD a week. They're amount of members is rising and they will need help supplying their members.

TCO Lieutenant - Crimson Canucks
Active Member of Society
Canadian Citizen