IronToader For Country President (Cabinet)

Day 1,228, 17:20 Published in Canada Canada by CptKaydee

My Cabinet has been chosen from the best I could find. This hasn’t been chosen by who are my best friends. In fact some of these people I barely know. Such as Raw784, I have heard he was one of the best MoD’s to take step in eCanadian Parliament. In the next month if elected, these people will help me run the country.

President - IronToader
Vice President - Coolmanos
Chief of Staff - Supabeasty
Minister of Communications - Acacia Mason
Minister of Foreign Affairs - killacrazy
Deputy Minister of Foreign Affairs - Prince A.Joseph
Minister of Defence - Raw784
Deputy Minister of Defence - Jay Punkston
Minister of Finance - Congress Chosen
Minister of Immigration - Congress Chosen

As you see both MoF and MoI are chosen by congress. How does this happen? Well there will be a 24 nominations topic and then a 24 hour vote for congress to decide who gets these 2 positions.

TCO Lieutenant - Crimson Canucks
Active Member of Society
Canadian Citizen