IronToader For Alberta Congress

Day 1,127, 16:10 Published in Canada Canada by CptKaydee

Hi I am IronToader. I am running for Congress. I running under the banner of the Democratic Action League (DAL). Do you know why you should vote for me? Read my platform and read wisely.

1. What I'll do
-I'll keep everyone informed on whats happening thru my newspaper "Politics Canada"
-Listening to the public is my #1 priority!
-I'll vote wisely by information on MPP's, Donations, Tax changes, and other proposals.
-The Canadian citizens can ask me to requests changes to eCanada
-I will be active on the eCanada forums.

2. My Plan
-Try and keep a good amount of CAD in the country accounts.
-Vote for important matters that other congressmen have requested
-Propose and show ideas to keep eCanada financially ahead of most countries.

Letting the public know is one thing but listening is another thing!

Written and Edited by: IronToader