Iran Still Atttacking the People of eArmenia!!

Day 3,078, 07:52 Published in Armenia Iran by Anthony Buchanan

The Labour Party's leader, Anthony have said yesterday that Iran is still attacking eArmenia and that the Iranian terrorists are trying to destroy eArmenia and its people so that they could use the new land to expand its territory. He wants every eArmenian to bring their guns and to fight back at Iran so that eArmenia won't be attacked by another country ever again. He also says that Iran is trying to promote evil tatics so that they can rule eArmenia and to treat the people bad. Every eArmenian needs to stop listening to Iran and they should accept the fact that the politicans in eArmenia are trying to spread the truth about Iran. All we need is for a peaceful eArmenia and that we urged every politician to start telling Iran to stop attacking eArmenia for good. He also wants eArmenians to defend their homeland that they loved so much and to protect our nation's valued culture and traditions because if Iran starts taking over most or all of eArmenia, then they will destroy our valued traditions and as a result, we would be forced to accept Iran's traditions and also we will be forced to convert to Islam.