Instead of goodbye

Day 1,790, 15:31 Published in Canada Romania by Gooffree

I’ve been here since the CanAm war, and that was the main reason I came here, in Canada, right after I’ve returned in the game from my two years of absence. Also I wanted to visit Canada, and this is was cheaper than a plane ticket : p.

Luckily I’ve made the right choice from the beginning by choosing CPF as my party and COI as my military unit.
My job here is done, Canada has almost all its regions back and it made the choice to fight by EDEN’s side and CPF is # 1 and I like to believe that I've contributed a little to that. : )

So, here's something about some of you. Sorry if I missed anyone.

The Moose – The Canadian Progressive Front

Funky – He was PP when I joined CPF. He managed to gather some great active guys around this party so he could easily retire and let them fulfill the prophecy. : ).

Plugson – A great guy respected by many people regardless of their party. I loved his articles. He is in COI too, so I have to say I enjoyed being his colleague. : ).

Auk Rest – He fulfilled Funky’s prophecy. He didn’t but himself in the spotlight, though he has a great merit in bringing active and responsible guys in Congress and in the Government.

Jacobi – The only eCanadian I’ve remembered when I came here, from the early times of eRepublik history. He sure is MR. President.

Wilhelm Gunter – Was very active and dedicated to the party, also I’ve learned some eCanadian history from him.

ElPatoDiablo – A very young full time CP (unlike the one before him). I’m sure Canada is on good hands.

To every other CPF member, thank you for your support and keep up the good work!

The Captains – Captains Of Industry

Many of CPF-ers are also members of COI, so I won’t mention them again. You should get twice the thanks 🙂.

Dereck Ryan - Commander of COI and also my employer : ). Thank you for the great job you did with COI and of course for helping when I needed.

Randall Flagg 1999 & Wilhem Klink – Organizers of Tuesday and Friday Fights – made me look forward for those days each week. I’m sure they cheated or something to make me win some of those prizes. Thank you guys!

Tucas – One of the younger members, with great will and lots of BHs : ).

Pants Magee – Lots of fun, be sure to check his latest achievement.

MrEgg – Always there to give food to the hungry and weapons to the angry.

Donna Rush – The first Goddess of War in COI, a true lady!

falhofnir - You're reported.

And of course to all the other colleagues a big thank you and I’ll miss you guys.

Some of The Others

Foxfire, Quimbie Muffins – They helped Canada get rid of Coalition, and brought peace between our parties : )

Shoi12 - Great articles man! I enjoy them a lot.

Chochi – Even though he got support from CPF for getting a seat in Congress, he is not really a CPFer. He is very active on forum, and he’s very involved in this game. I bet he is the same way in CAF.

Rolo – I’ve learned that he managed to “borrow” a great deal of gold. While I think he should give it back to eCanadians on a monthly basis, I appreciate that he didn’t leave the country to US or somewhere with 100% bonuses. He’s not bad; his ego is just bigger than others’. There’s also a new expression thanks to him: “to pull a Rolo”, so I think we should all be grateful : )

Venoms III – I thank you for giving me the chance of winning my first and probably the last term (thanks to the change in the political module) as Congressman of Saskatchewan. Other than that, I’m glad that you’re not a Congressman anymore. : )

Mary Chan – The last CP of Coalition. While she was just a VP, she was de facto Canada’s CP during Wally’s term.

Wally Cleaver – ?

Homer J. Simpson – He was a good Speaker of Congress, reasonable guy, nice to debate with him. : )

Tyrael Snow - It appeared to me as an one-man team. You can do them all by yourself. I’m sure that his intentions were good, but it’s very hard to make it on your own when in politics.

Also thanks to all the others I’ve forgot to mention. You know I love yeah : )

Now it's time I headed back to Romania, not in Europe though, but in Asia. I’m glad that I won’t have to fight against Canada, but side by side with Canada. : )

May your time spent here be as enjoyable as possible!

Don’t forget to push that add friend button to keep in touch, if you haven’t already : ).

Thank you Canada,
Probably the last Congressman of Saskatchewan