Inaugural Address

Day 1,232, 22:06 Published in USA USA by Emerick

I'd like to thank everyone who voted for me and gave me the privilege of serving in the highest office of the land. While I'm pleased to have won the election, the universe obviously hates me.

I wish that I could use this article to thank all the people that helped me in my campaign(such as CRoy, the best political strategist in the US, hands down), but unfortunately, I've not only inherited a world war that's claimed Croatia already and threatens our shores, but I've also been thrust into a crisis that threatens to destroy our military infrastructure.

So here's what I've done so far today: I've met with Chair of the Joint Chiefs of Staff Bradley Reala several times today and discussed his decision to refuse funding indefinitely. I've met with several of his staff members and regular military members alike to hear their opinions on the recent happenings. I've met with many members of congress to discuss the possible creation of a new armed forces run by the Department of Defense and helped them pen a bill that is now on the floors of congress.

Here's my state of min😛 I'm of the opinion that the JCS system simply does not work for us. There's an inherent distrust of people who are left unchecked for large amounts of time, for Americans, and the disconnect that appears to be an unfortunate side effect of how the military organizes and works doesn't help matters any when its officers avoid our mainstream means of communication. While the JCS system may breed strong communities inside of their branches and fine strategic minds, those of us outside of the loop, who may or may not be responsible for providing their funds for day-to-day workings are not in touch with them, and their spokesmen are largely found to be inadequate at selling their constituents' needs and thought processes to the powers that be. Congress, simply put, is not on board anymore.

Granted, there are two sides to every coin. Any attempts to reconnect the two now distinct communities are hindered by those in the mainstream community who have preconceived notions of what the military is and what it should be, and are passionate about their opinions. So passionate that they drive away those who seek to provide an alternate view.

Given these problems with our community at large, those of us in our internet country's leadership are faced with the problem of how to solve it. I believe that allowing the current military unit that defines itself as "The US Military" to become a militia - one that is self-sustained and self-organized, just as they have been for years, is an acceptable option. This military may retain all of its members, its organization, and perhaps orgs and companies. They are invited to apply to OMS for funding, and regardless of what they decide to do, I plan on working with them, as well as other militias, throughout my term.

To this end, I have created a National Security Council consisting of all major militia and military heads, my Secretary of Defense Avruch, and other military and strategic advisers that I trust. If the Joint Chiefs decide to carry on refusing funding, this will be their successor. A council consisting of American military heads as well as trusted appointees from the president. I hope that these different minds can work together in the coming month, ad if so, I hope that this council becomes a mainstay in strategy building and military organization for administrations to come.

Here's looking to the future,
President Emerick
April 5th, Day 0
Signing off for now