Important: Changes to eRepublik

Day 1,175, 08:31 Published in Egypt Egypt by Franz Kafka

Citizens should all take note of this article. New changes are a foot. Thanks to CRoy for writing this important article - the original is here:

Welcome to the CRoy Insider, your sexy substitute for the actual insider.

Today, eRep added a "My Land" feature to profiles. They also rearranged the top menu system.

What your profile page would look like if you were me. Dream on.

What is "Land of CRoy"? It's just a list of all of my companies. Basically eRep made everyone's holdings visible, and added a decently neat graphical layout to display them. Ho hum. Not really a big deal. Kinda neat to see everyone's companies. Syrup has a ton. PiginZen has a lot of Q5s.

The BIG DEAL is the few price changes and an added mechanic for company ownership.

All companies now exist on a "land" space. Everyone is given a space for all existing companies as well as three free open spaces. To open a new company, you need a free land space. Once you use up your three freebies, land will cost 1000 currency of your current citizenship country.

OMG a money sink~ (This is a good thing. It will help combat inflation.)

Once you have your land open, it's time to buy a company. Companies new have a brand new price structure.

Total cost (not upgrade costs)

Q1 - 10G

Q2 - 30G

Q3 - 80G

Q4 - 180G

Q5 - 380G

10G for companies \o/

Now for some specifics. When you sell or buy a company, they will not be attached to land. So if you want to buy a company, you must have land open to do so. Once you sell a company, it will open up a land spot in your land farm.

There still isn't a limit on how many companies you can own (though it makes little sense to own more than 30, because you'd be using wellness packs instead of food to have enough wellness to work in all of them).

You can create a company at level 12 now. I believe it used to be higher?

If you transfer a company from your org to your citizen (using that one time transfer option) it will not take up a land space. The land space will migrate with the company.

Houses are still slated to be removed, in the near future.

Eventually, there will be a chance to transfer companies still stuck in orgs to citizens that did not create the org. The same goes for people who own orgs from beta (these orgs aren't attached to any citizens like ones created after V1 started). There is no time table for when this option will be made available, but it's safe to assume it will come around the time orgs are being prepped for removal. When will that come? Your guess is as good as mine.

wtf is this

There's a new menu system. It's not very good. The buttons to get to your newspaper and to get to the eRep forum have been removed. Those can both be reached in other ways (the forum link is at the far bottom left of every page, and the newspaper link is in your profile page).

I'd expect to see the menu system reworked.

All in all, the changes are interesting more than anything else. I feel pretty neutral about them. The lowered price of companies is good. The currency sink is good. Then "land" thing is, well, kinda neat. Useless, but neat. But the lack of communication about the changes is crappy and negates a bit of the good stuff.

~So you got me instead~



PS: don't complain about "losing 10G for old companies because of the company price change." The new $1000 land charge is roughly equal to 15-20G (depending on the peg). That brings the total to 25-30G for a new company, after the first three free land spots are used. It used to be 20G flat. You saved money by opening companies before this change. Complain about the new price structure if you want, but please don't mindlessly rage about being screwed by the admins and wanting your 10G back for every company. Leave that to the Eastern Europeans. They're pros.

Franz Kafka