If patience runs out, bullets fly out!

Day 1,126, 12:42 Published in Philippines Philippines by sansae2

This is a message to eMalaysians and eSingaporeans.


The ePhilippines have been working hard to create a better future for our countries under the PACMAN.

Like Hekter, I am also dumbfounded that you two nations could not wake up and see that PACMAN is the future of us.

Nothing is left to us. If we come together, then there's something fighting for.

eRepublik has changed dramatically. We can't keep up with things we have now.

The only thing that can improve our eLife is unity of all of us; Philippines, Malaysia, and Singapore.

This is not easy but there are people out there taking the task. But with selfishness and idiotic decisions, UNITY is blurry.

Maybe you need the Barako coffee of the Philippines to wake you up.

Think about it!