I will back to Mexico for World War VI

Day 1,191, 16:08 Published in Austria Mexico by Yhamilitz

My Dear eAustrians:

I want to Inform you that I am going back to Mexico and get the Mexican Citizenchip (The president of Mexico ask me for it) This is for prevent a PTO in Mexico. And also for move 3 of my 4 Companies in Austria.

I also Inform you that I will leave my Presidential Candidature for the next month because of School(I have to read a lot of books(Something that I never did)) and some RL stuff

Situation of Mexico

When Poland Declare Mexico as their Natural Enemy, A new feeling of War was detected, Mexico began the War as that always begins (Winning) but the Force of Poland is so Strong compared with a Little country. Mexico only won 1 battle of 5
After the Polish attack in Mexico, the country decide to join PANAM, and Actually is working with the USA for kick Poland from The Americas. Joining to PANAM was no easy, Most of the Mexicans are pro-NWO because in PANAM there is many "Traitors" for Mexico (Brazil, and Argentina, France and Canada are considered traitors) but after the Polish declaration ow war (Natural Enemy) This little Country have no more options. Actually, the USA, and Canada (and maybe France) will accept Mexico in PANAM. Mexico doen´t have a good Relation with the pro-PANAM South American Countries, so is a hard decision for the Country, after that Venezuela(The best ally of Mexico) decide to work with Spain (NWO country)


USA, Canada, Mexico*, France, Japan, Russia*, Indonesia*, Brazil, Croatia, Colombia*, Argentina, and Chile*

Spain, Hungary, Serbia, Poland, Venezuela*, Peru*, Bolivia*, and New Zealand*

*= No official members

USA, Canada, and Russia will work toguether against Serbia, and maybe vs Hungary, So this part of the war will be in the Northern Hemishphere in the Atlantic Coast or in the Balkans.
Mexico (With the USA) actually will fight vs Poland for Retake their lost territories. Indonesia, and South America will no work with Mexico because of the bad Relations between this countries and Mexico (Specially Indonesia)

Spain, Poland, and New Zealand (Still contrloled by Serbia) will Invade South America, Venezuela will give to Spain some regions for establish a bridge for Spain into Brazil and Colombia, Poland will Invade Poland, and New Zealand will fight vs Chile and Argentina, Maybe France will help Brazil to figth against Spain (As always they do)

Colombia (And Maybe Mexico and Venezuela) will be the first Battle field for this Big War.

Thats it, see you later.
Friendly, Yhamilitz

NOTE: Croatia will join PANAM, Serbia is in NWO, you will see it 😉