I think eIndonesia has been in the pool for too long.

Day 720, 10:05 Published in Indonesia USA by Halfie

Major shrinkage.

They are openly threatening Malaysia to stop the training wars with EDEN. I assume its to look tough, and try to save this dying country and get something of a baby boom but who knows.


Day 652 of the new world, was the day eIndonesia was kicked to the curb, out of California and out of the eUSA. Since that day eIndonesia has been in slow decline and is no longer an important force of PEACE. Meanwhile,the eUSA is one of the major powers of the world after being completely overrun and conquered just to 1 region: Florida Its amazing what can happen in 70 days.

Personally i look forward to shutting eIndonesia out and letting it die in a ditch.
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