I feel sick.

Day 1,285, 09:58 Published in USA USA by Emerick

I saw this trash recently. It's interesting, to me, some of the things mentioned here. Like, "We also recognise that our nation’s relationship with Poland is not great," "As such, we are willing to wait. We understand the process of affiliation will be hard and slow," and "Signed, Mr Woldy".

Note that Woldy wasn't the only signature on the letter, but he's the one I want to discuss the most, and I'll tell you why. Last month, when he was president, he wrote this huge WE'RE LEAVING TERRA HOW DARE YOU TRY TO TELL US WHAT TO DO, AMERICA YOU'RE NOT THE BOSS OF US WE BOW TO NO ONE article. And this is because we openly disagreed with them attacking one of our allies. We're such bad people.

The fact is that the UK, under Woldy, made no serious effort to, as was said in this article, "recognise that [their] nation’s relationship with [us] is not great" and "understand the process of affiliation will be hard and slow." In fact, he apparently assumed that signing his way into Terra meant that a year and a half of bad relations and direct conflicts would disappear from our minds. The American people haven't forgotten who enabled PEACE to invade our continent and China, though we were willing to bandage the wounds and try to get along.

Now, I'm not saying that Woldy is a hypocrite, but the things he says and endorses don't exactly seem to always follow the same logic. Maybe he just doesn't like us and wants to be friends with Poland. Which would naturally mean, considering Poland's continuous occupation of Germany, that they don't like Germany anymore. Their choice, neutrality. I just wish that Woldy would be straight, for once.

Moving on, I'm sure you're all wondering how the peace stuff with Mexico is going. Well, it's going. It seems that nearly every Resistance War has problems, though. Some people are tanking for us in RWs that we're supposed to lose, and that's a big issue, especially when they're part of a military unit and should know better. Or when they're tanking in a region just so they can be in Congress. So naturally, I'm getting annoyed, and Mexico is getting skeptical of our commitment to this peace treaty, which is getting me even more annoyed, which is making me want to dole out punishments to the militias that people who fight against our RWs are representing. Like denying funding or maybe cutting a certain amount for every member I see running along the wrong side of the field. I don't want to do that, though. We should all be working together, right? So let's work together and take care of this business so we can move onto other things, right?

Well anyways, yesterday, we had something for you guys who love to fight for the USA in RWs:

We wanted to win all of those. And we did. So to all of you who showed your country pride, love of imperialism, hatred of Canadian, Spaniards, and Mexicans - whatever drives you to fight for America - thank you.

And next time you see a RW in Northwest of Mexico or Valley of Mexico, fight resistance. For America. Anything else is free game, most likely.

Should I run again?

Almost 100 people say yes, because Fifer will run again. Just like kyle. And desertfalcon. CivilAnarchy. Ajay Bruno. And all them nuckas. He just enjoys a good loss, I guess~

I'm weighing my options. I was planning on not running again unless Fifer did because lol, but then my bro Glove stepped up and I wouldn't oppose him. So I have some brooding and conversations ahead of me in regards to that subject.

President Emerick
May 28, 2011
Day 54
Signing out