I believe the term is "bi-winning"

Day 1,257, 22:48 Published in USA USA by Emerick

Look at the home page. No wait, I'll just post it for you.

That's right, gentlemen, we're kicking ass. While last week, we allowed Spain to drain their damage on us while we helped our allies fight their wars, Spain took a few regions, but we bounced back like pros. Now we've regained Kentucky, Georgia, Vergina, and Tennessee. Oh, and we've taken back all the Canadian regions that weren't a part of our trade agrement and aren't possibly strategic blocks.

We've also regained our trade route from New England, giving us aluminum back, and if you look at our economy page, you'll see that we've captured every resource but iron. And/or iron. Too many good places to choose from.

Delicious iron

Our love-fu is tough to beat

As stated before, Canada helped us defuse two potentially major invasions from Poland and Servia this month, so if you see a Canadian, do something gay with him. Or if you're a girl, do something straight. Unless she's also a girl, then do something awesome on video. Or if you run into a Canadian girl and you're a guy, then tell her to shave her French armpits.

The war has turned around nearly everywhere. Brozil bounced back, is is now counter-attacking South Africa, much like we're counter-attacking Mexico. Portugal is completely free. France is nearly completely free. Rumania is regaining regions and winning battles. Italy is doing decently enough. Russia lost a battle to Sweden, but I have faith that the war will be turned around in no time. Servia lost a region to Bosnia. Oh, around 90 countries NE'd Servia.

So that'll be interesting.
President Emerick
May 1, 2011
Day 27
Signing out