Hungarian TO of eCzech

Day 488, 09:36 Published in Czech Republic Egypt by Franz Kafka
**UPDATE Jura has proposed a transfer of funds to Czech National Bank - please support this**

I can confirm that we are in the middle of a TO plot from Hungary. I am not sure if it is officially sanctioned - it may be just some over zealous citizens who want to steal our treasury and get some easy gold from getting elected to Congress. Or it could be part of a more sinister strategy as part of Hungarian intentions towards eSlovakia and eGermany. Either way - we must defend.

It is a great source of distress to myself that the party I built has been TO'd. I am therefore leaving Nezavislost and hope that the United Slavs will accept me as a congress candidate for their party.

I encourage all Czech Nezavislost candidates to follow me.

We must protect against this TO. So I campagin - DO NOT vote Nezavislost! DO NOT vote for anyone who is Hungarian!


I encourage our President to do the following:
1. Donate all our treasury to a trusted organisation (to be returned if TO fails)
2. Contact the Hungarian President - to secure their offical disapproval of this TO attempt.
3. Contact our supporters and encourage them to come protect us against this TO attempt.

Franz Kafka