Hey eBelgium...

Day 1,436, 20:48 Published in Belgium Belgium by Kylero

My fellow eBelgians,

I think its time we had a little chat. I'd like to discuss where we are as a nation. Currently, we are a little too high strung. I think we need to tone down the rhetoric, name calling, and "one-up" manship...

I truly think that eBelgium's best days are ahead of her. What we need to focus on is providing a fun atmosphere for ALL eBelgians to play in. This means we need to provide the following:

1. A Good Economy

We need to have a favorable business environment in eBelgium so that players, young and old, can make a lot of money and play the game how they want to play it.

2. A Strong Military

By maintaining a close working relationship between the eBelgian Army and eBelgian Military Units, we can ensure a strong defense of our nation. We should remain a neutral nation, but still make available opportunities for our brave fighting men and women to gain experience and complete missions.

3. Justice and Rule of Law

I know, I know...this has been a touchy subject in eBe recently. We need a just justice system in eBelgium. Does that mean we throw everything out the window and say that we'll replace it with something better? No. Our laws and justice system can be tweaked to make it work for everyone. I believe that if the intent of the laws are clear, and they are applied equally to all eBelgian citizens, then there should be no problem respecting and following the laws. What we are experiencing now in eBelgium is a community that finds it easier to argue over the rules and laws, rather than take the time to discuss what we do agree on. I think we all need to take the advice of the great Jackie Moon...


"So what?" you say...

Well my friends, I am here before you, like many great eBelgians such as MaryamQ, mittekemuis, and Thore Thoreson, to announce my candidacy for the President of eBelgium! I feel that I can get down to work for the eBelgian people, doing the hard things (no homo...), and make this game enjoyable again. I am confident that I will be able to assemble a great team to move this country forward, by forgetting the arguments of yesterday and by focusing on what makes this country great...OUR COMMUNITY!

So I ask you to consider making me your choice for CP for the month of November, and to recognize that eBelgium needs a pragmatic, mature, and sensible leader, and I am confident I am that guy!

eBe CP Candidate