Helping Canada and its allies

Day 967, 18:07 Published in Canada USA by ligtreb

I love Canada, and have proudly fought for your country many times, especially during the invasion last year. I later served in your Congress as part of our Brolliance exchange, and was positively influenced so much that I brought some Canadian ideas to my country.

Jacobi is one of the citizens I respect most in this game, as I know he led Canada through tough times. However, I must respectfully disagree with his most recent article, in which he says Canada should keep its monopoly on titanium.

Renting one of your titanium regions will not only help Canada, but help EDEN and the Brolliance as well.

Yes, as Jacobi says, Canada is the only source of titanium for EDEN right now. However, renting one of your regions will not hurt your economic power at all. Canadian businesses will still be able to make a fortune off of the scarce resource of titanium, and the government will still get plenty of CAD and Gold from this.

If Canada keeps both titanium regions, you will be missing out on hundreds of gold per week and thousands per month -- an amount which can make Canada an even bigger military power and a much stronger fighting force than it already is. Renting a region or not, Canada's strongest industry will still be titanium harvesting. There is no limit to the number of companies you can have in a region. Canada would not lose any jobs at all by renting out a region, meaning Canada wouldn't lose any money.

Also, consider this is a global game, every country needs strong allies.

Renting a titanium region to an ally will make EDEN and the Brolliance stronger, as the country Canada rents to will get an economic boost, leading to a stronger military. Canada's defense will get stronger with a stronger ally.

No jobs lost, a revenue gain, stronger defense -- what's not to like?

EDEN/Brolliance would get double the titanium by renting -- Canada wouldn't be able to get more jobs by not renting, and would not be able to produce more titanium.

I respect Canada as a bro, and will stand by Canada regardless of which decision Canada makes. I just hope they make the right choice.

Note that this is my view only, not the view of the USA government. While I'm the former Vice President, I have no role in the current administration. Also, I'm not saying Canada has to rent to the USA, Canada should rent to whichever ally gives them the best deal.

Thank you for reading.

P.S. -- I used to be a big Montreal Expos fan when they were a team. Youppi! is the best mascot ever. I fell in love with the 2003 Expos team that stayed in contention most of the year. It still saddens me what MLB did to the Expos.