Help Stop the Norway PTO - URGENT

Day 502, 07:10 Published in USA USA by scrabman
Citizens of the eUSA.

The election in the eUSA continues. While it is nowhere near done, there is a point of interest I need to bring to the eUSA's attention. I ask ALL eUSA citizens, no matter your political affiliation, to take this threat seriously. I especially ask those who are contemplating voting for me to help our country by voting in Norway and NOT the eUSA

At this time, Norway is under IMMEDIATE threat of a Political Takeover (PTO). The Hungarians already control congress. With the Presidency, they will have full control and be able to wreak havoc upon Norway. It is imperative that we help Norway get this threat under control and firmly establish their place in our alliance.

The full details can be found in this article: click here

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I cannot stress how important this is to the stability of Europe and, in turn, the stability and safety of the eUSA. I welcome and encourage ALL of my opponents to do the same and ask that their supporters and friends STRONGLY think about helping prevent Norway from ceasing to exist.

Very Truly Yours,

President of the eUSA

Vote Cirno for Norway!
Vote Cirno for Norway!
Vote Cirno for Norway!
Vote Cirno for Norway!
Vote Cirno for Norway!!!!!!