Day 798, 15:00 Published in Ireland Ireland by Anthony Colby

Northeast of Ireland, IRELAND - Hello to you all. My name is Anthony Colby and I am new here and I thought I would tell you a little about myself. I was born in the eUS at the end of May 09. Since I am a RL American Citizen this is hardly surprising. I soon found that I was a little fish in a very big pond so I chose to move to a smaller pond. I settled on eBolivia. I soon found that Bolivia was in hard times due to a TO and theft of the entire treasury. I joined the forum, got active and eventually served several posts in government. I was a five time member of Congress, Party President, Minister of Health and President of Congress. I was also Minister of Foreign Affairs for President XIIII. As MoFA this also entailed being Ambassador to the US, UK, Australia and Canada as well as Bolivian representative to PEACE.

Now you may be asking "Why did you leave?". Good question. I took on too much all at once. Being MoFA as well as Ambassadors meant being logged into at least ten different forums ( my Ambassadorships as well as the Ambassadors under my charge as MoFA.) It was taxing my brain to keep it all straight as to who was attacking who and who did what. I did expose a British spy stealing American military secrets though, that was fun.

The game became something I didn't want to do but felt I had to do. That is not fun. So I moved. I came here to Ireland because after asking my friend XIIII what he thought I should do and where to go the answers always came up Ireland. So here I am.

Hopefully I will fit in here in Ireland. I want to help anyway I can and any experience I can pass on will be given freely. Just ask. I would also like to get back into politics but I need to earn the trust of the Irish people first, and that will only come through being active on the forum and expressing my opinion and offering advice and working to better Ireland.

Thank you for listening.

Anthony Colby.