H.O.P.E is PTO'd

Day 2,039, 03:54 Published in Belgium Cyprus by Vincent Pain

Hi folks...

it makes me sick and angry to read the lies and dumb responds towards the current PTO of HOPE. Its funny that people like yanis are suprised that HOPE is becoming smaler everyday... in the past HOPE was a democratic party, now it has become a TECUVO 'PP' and yanis 'CP candidate' party! They have bomed themselfs to those positions after PTO'ing AVegan pride!

I call on all former HOPE members to join PANDA until we get HOPE back in the rightfull hands.

We have seen a perfect example of how the PTOers play their game. Under the leadership of the new PTO leader, Tecuvo and followd by a naieve sheepling Yanis. At the last minute the PTOing flock joined Hope to vote for Tecuvo.
This is how the PTOers play the game, and we recognize tecuvo and his friends of his gameplay.

They tried to accuse us in the past, but it did not work... people now better and they have seen the thruth this time!