Grumpy Old Men: 4th Edition

Day 2,015, 17:45 Published in Ireland Ireland by Sweet Drinker

The world is filled with grumpy old men.
MU's are built upon them.
Large countries are run by them.
Alliances are commanded by grumpy old men.
Even the women are grumpy old men!

Seems being old is something to be ashamed of these days.
People have old attitudes,
People say our experience is outdated
People say we're only capable of old ideas

Sadly, sometimes people are right...

This isn't an article I want to write.
This article will seem hurtful, mean.
I'd much have preferred this to be a pm or irc conversation.
But once something has been released into the community, it can take on a life all it's own.
Once out there, it can only be confronted out there.

This article addresses another article that another GOM like me released today.

Brian Boru is an erep Old Man like me, and then some more still. He was a fixture of eIrish politics before I even joined the game.
Brian and I don't talk much, but despite different playstyles, I've always liked him well enough. I'm wishing I'd spoken more to him lately right now...

Ideas for the New Republic is a good article. It presses all the right buttons. It's the kind of article that stirs people. Makes people want to collaberate. It's the kind of article I wish I could write.
Unfortunately that is not a talent of mine, analysis is however..

The following is a series of excerpts from his article in bold, and some unflinching analysis of them:

"the distribution of arms for battles not pertaining to our own national defence has been a populist but ill thought piece of government policy"

Since the government doesn't supply enemies, he could only be referring to supplying ALLIED battles.
Using supplies to fight for allies is the heart of international friendships/alliances/reciprocation/pride.
If we cannot showup to an ally's campaign ready to fight, we cannot expect it from them either.

"Investment in new companies, either for direct weapons production..."

Governments cannot own companies due to game mechanics.
So that's a 676.5g (135,300iep) investment, ON DISCOUNT, into a CITIZEN'S ACCOUNT.
And if the citizen absconds/quits/etc, we're out the dosh.

Furthermore that money would buy over 19,300 Q7 weapons outright.
It will take (manager+full complement of employees) 88DAYS (assuming perfect bonuses) to create that. While costing another 11,600iep worth of WRM, and costing the employees 10,560iep worth of wages (@12iep).
And once that substantial invest cost is cleared, 19q7 worth of WRM will be consumed daily to maintain this forevermore.

" Investment in new companies ... for WRM production would be useful"

Aside from the fact (once again) that the government would have no control over these investments because it cannot hold them, let's do the math on this.

Days until a WRM investment makes it's FIRST PENNY PROFIT
@ Best case scenario: constant 100% production bonus

Q1: 70 = 1500iep /(2.1iep/day) = 715days
Q2:140 = 3000iep /(4.2iep/day) = 715days
Q3:250 = (10g @200 = 2000) / (7.5iep/day) = 267days
Q4:350 = 8000iep /(10.5iep/day) = 762days
Q5:500 = (35g @200 = 7000) /(15iep/day) = 467days

These figures are based off of WaM production. I'm not even going to bother posting formulas for use of employee work because the catastrophic loss to production potential if posted here may accidentlly make the above formulas seem favourable by comparison...
Best Case Scenario: almost 3/4 of an entire year before you break even..

The truth is that while Brian is saying: "The old glory is now past. We must look to the future"
He's actually thinking in terms of old mechanics. Really old mechanics.

These are the Old, Old, Old, (old?) mechanics. And not the way forward.
What we need is the Old mechanics, the one where we had unlimited supplies while our citizens were free to use their personal resources to prosper.

And finally:
"we should seek aid our potential allies in their key battles rather than concentrating solely on our Resistance Wars."
Doesn't that conflict with the earlier statement:
the distribution of arms for battles not pertaining to our own national defense has been a populist but ill thought piece of government policy



Brian's first three paragraphs all make sense, then comes the fourth...

"As for the grand alliances, while I personally favour our fellow Europeans in TWO..."

This is actually a very common mistake. In RL we are Europeans, but in eRepublik we are North Americans.

What's that you say? Ofc, we're Europe! ?

A picture is worth a thousand words:

You should always consider this reality: it's amazing that we've maintained good relations with the folks on OUR (north America) continent all this time, just as it's amazing for a country our size to stay on the map as much as it has.

A correlation there perhaps?

"it is clear that TWO would not allow us full membership"

Well that' for damn certain. TWO is never going to welcome us into their club.
But you know what they would welcome?
They'd welcome for us to sever all our ties with CoT
Not only does UK enjoy occupying us, and gain a food resource doing so, but they are painfully aware that USA is missing Iron, an all important weapons resource.

Where are the easiest potential occupation sites for America's Iron?
United Kingdom & Ireland ofc!

UK's peace offer to us: Blah,blah,blah, NO CoT MPPs FOR IRELAND!
UK has a longterm plan for us, and it's longterm occupation. By them, by our (then former) allies, or even a combination of both.

We could just join ACT, and then be told by our masters to give UK the region they want.
Sereiously. Tell me that's not how it would go down...

"It is clear that Ireland must forge its own path, having a fully independent foreign policy"

So surrounded on all sides by superalliance members (Canada=Asgard=soon2beCoT don't kid urself),
all 3 of which are several times larger than us,
all 3 of which Plato was kind enough to deny a resource which he then placed the correct incroments of on our little island,
our policy is going to be: DON'T ALLY WITH A SINGLE ONE OF THEM???

This Foreign Policy dreadfully lacks acknowledgement of foreigners...


roles, abuse, competency, inactivity - all standard issues for a party manifesto. Mention human rights a few times to get everyone on board.

cool, cool.

"...the adoption of a new Constitution..."

Oh God plz I beg you not again...

Listen, for those of you who weren't around for this before, it sounds like a good idea on paper.
We had this before (who wrote that?), you cannot comprehend the truly mind shattering tedious boredom and outright frustration...
The endless pedantic arguing,
The votes not being counted because they weren't written in Gaelic (ye im totally fkn srs, they used to do that...)
The weeks it took to accomplish in the simplist 10min task,
The incapability of the military to respond in time to a situation because of ridiculous red tape,
The incapability of the Finance Ministry to make timely decisions to protect national assets because of ridiculous red tape,
The governments time drained on debating abortion (ye im totally fkn srs they did that too...)
The use of it's articles to brow-beat down opposing opinions

The fact is Constitutions in this game are means for RolePlayers to force their favoured playstyle upon the unsuspecting public.
All the while telling you it's for your own good...

And understand that Brian is a student(graduate now?) of French Law
Draining ppls' will to live with litigations, legal interpretations, and general endless tedium is a career choice for him.
But after countless months (years even) of useless, mostly unenforceable, castrating repression of our country we finally buried that thing.
Buried it so deep we hoped to never hear it spoken of again because even writing about it now causes the hairs on the back of my neck to stand up.

I'm serious, sometimes I could swear I could hear ppl's teeth grinding through their forum posts...


Our economy is largely communised - true
The need for cost reduction is absolute - no, increase in external revenue is far superior
investment in centralized WRM companies - impossible due to game mechanics
our soldiers to buy WRM companies and donating the production - WRM cannot be donated
or the profits of [WRM] production - refer to profitability chart above for 'profits' realities

"push measures that make the government much more proactive in gaining revenue"

Does anyone feel Appleman is doing less than he can in the Finance Department?

" Individuals exploit the Monetary Market and use other financial measures to greatly increase their wealth in ways that our State has not. Ireland should in due course take the lead from both the private sector and other countries in investing in such measures"

The Irish State invested heavily in training and financing our citizens in harvesting of the Monetary Market, and was such a forerunner in the field that other nations adopted the terminology coined here for such endeavours.

I'm truly sorry Brian, love ya mate... but ya gotta get with the times bro 🙁