Great work, but it's not over

Day 1,031, 15:28 Published in USA USA by ligtreb

First of all, I want thank all of you for your help yesterday in keeping America safe. We have successfully fended off a PTO (Political Take Over) threat in all Top 6 parties.

We did it!

However, our work is not over. If we fail to put up a full slate of blockers for the next Congressional elections, it will erase all of our good work from yesterday.

What is a blocker? Basically, they're people who run for Congress without any intention of winning (if you want to run for real, that's also acceptable). By game rules, each Top 5 party can run a candidate in every single state we have. If there is only one candidate for that party in a region, he/she appears on the ballot no matter what. This is how in the past, we've had several citizens from enemy countries appear on the ballot, get elected, then approve more citizenship requests of Anti-Americans, Phoenix members and Pizza the Hut sympathizers.

If we sign up a pro-American candidate or blocker in every state for all Top 5 parties, America will be 100% safe and we can have free, fun elections. This way, even if an enemy of the state tries to run for Congress, the Party President will be able to choose the American candidate/blocker to appear on the ballot.

Sign up to be a blocker below, I have links for all Top 5 parties. If you're not in a party, choose one or more, fill them all out if you want.

United States Workers Party: Form here
Federalist Party: Form here
SEES/Trade and Military Alliance: Form here
United Independents Party: Form here
Amer. Defense and Trade Party: Form here

Looking at the election results, PTO candidates got 208 votes in the Top 6 parties. That means 208 people have American citizenship who are working with the enemy. That's a dangerously high number -- if we leave even a couple of spots open on the ballot for enemies to run in, they will get elected and approve more enemies to be USA citizens.

America's biggest threat is no longer foreign invasion. It's getting Politically Taken Over by foreign enemies and Pizza the Hut. I know a lot of you want a democracy and enjoy elections -- get a blocker in every region for every party and we can have all the fun and exciting elections we want.

Thank you for reading.