Gold Sweepstakes #9; Penultimate Prizes

Day 1,973, 23:05 Published in Canada Canada by Shoi12

I don't know why, but I've had lots of gold lately. 😮

Time to throw some away 😉

You know the rules, and so do I 🙂

Votes 1-5 automatically get gold. 4 of you will get 0.25 gold, and 1 will get a full 1 gold~

Votes 6-25 still have a good chance. 5 will get 0.2 gold, and 2 will get 0.5 gold~

Votes 26-50? You get the scraps 3 will get 0.1 gold, and 2 will get 0.35 gold~

Until next time, take care!
Fight fire with fire :3

Let's see how you take this lyrics game! Oh god 900 CAD is way too high but whatever 😛

Though even though I'm awkward most of the time
I still consider you absolutely sublime


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