Free tea for Croatians in eBudapest!

Day 975, 16:53 Published in Hungary Hungary by Heidar">

Hi dear new neighbours,

Your former president and a lot of commenters promised that eCroatia would conquer eHungary with the help of eRomania and you would have a cup of tea in eBudapest. Hungarians are kind people but Cromanians come with rage. You ruined Hungary but couldn't occupy eBudapest.">
Picture 1.: Inside the eCaffe Central

Now your capital is eBudapest so you can easily have a tea or coffee there. You don't need passport to travel to eBudapest for a sightseeing tour. I know your wellness and happiness are low so you should have a rest in one of the spas.">
Picture 2.: The eGellért Spa

eHungarian citizen
Phoenix soldier

P.S.: Never forget, It is just a game not Real Life! 😉