Day 1,413, 13:54 Published in Egypt Egypt by Franz Kafka


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History of Egypt
Latest Egypt War Analysis (and prizes!)

Policies for October

I'm running for President. If I get elected, this is my programme of reform:

Economy: We need to get our economy moving. Adriatic_Rage initiated a project to energise business. I look forawrd to hearing how the take up was for this initiative - if it is working then I'll see it is developed and expanded.

Citizens must be kept engaged in the game. The start will be higher salaries. Now this does have to be balanced against our competitiveness, but right now we are c. 45% less productive than most countries, but we we pay typically only 30% of that of the most productive countries. So there's some room for improvement here!

We also need to get citizens engaged in politics and the mechanics of the game. Who's going to stay playing for long only working and eating?

Politics: We must open up political space. Everyone needs to feel they have a voice and what they say matters. Sadly political space has been closed for some time. With an ethnically cohesive group dominating the politics of the country, others have felt alienated. But likewise, talk of only being legitimate if you are RL Egyptian is horribly alientating for others. We need to work together and learn how to share this wonderful country.

War: We need to play our cards better. It's no fun being constantly under productive because we're mostly occupied. We need to strike a deal with our neighborus to keep out of our territories for a while. Adriatic_Rage was close to a deal on this I undestand, but didn't secure it. I will try to restart such regional negotiations and get a good deal for Egypt.

Fun: We need to get the fun back into the game. Adriatic_Rage and I have kicked this off with the prizes for gaining rank. I'd like to do more of this, and I look forward to hearing ideas of how to achieve this (I will not be approving a new lottery!!!)

If elected, I will invite every group to be represented in the cabinet, and I will invite a continued dialogue between our various factions to ensure continued harmony. I would like to encourage an environment of respect. So we will not attack LNL, they have a right to be here. But I will implore them to let others have a voice too. Take only one political party if you are one grouping. Any more is greedy and uncitizenly of you!

Vote for Reform, vote for Islah (reform), vote for Franz Kafka (reformer)