eWorld tommorow..

Day 2,206, 12:59 Published in Ireland Ireland by Bad BIue Boys

Good evening everyone, once again I gave “my best” to delay this article for tommorow for several days, it’s not that easy to find motivation in this game anymore, especially to write about things, but I hope that’s going to change soon enough. That change is exactly what I’m going to write about in this article.

We’ve all witnessed the recent turbulations in TWO alliance. After weeks of “silent” fights in shouts, comments, IRC channels SPoland and Slovenia/Serbia finally done something else. Cookies, the SG of TWO arranged meeting, a meeting where he planned to kick Spain out of the alliance. He certainly didn’t expect such a massive opposition for this plan and he ended up impeached from SG position, now that’s a pretty good storm.

By his impeachment troubles between SPoland and Serbia (+Slovenia) won’t stop. Cookies wasn’t the TWO’s problem, misunderstanding, lack of trust and probably a doze of greedy from both sides are. Those things, combined with disbalanced world where they don’t have a real goal means that TWO will be dissolved very soon. In 2014. there won’t be TWO, that’s for sure.

What will happend in “after TWO” era?

Well, TWO will break on two sides, on one side there will be for sure Serbia and Slovenia, most probably Hungary and Argentina too. On the other side there will be Spain, Poland and probably United Kingdom. Both of those sides will try to win as many (ex)TWO countries as they can and start working on a new alliance.

Spain and Poland are in huge advantage at this moment because they will be able to get more new allies then Serbia will. There is several really strong and powerful countries outside of TWO at this moment. Most of them hates Serbia more then they hate Poland, but that’s not case everywhere. Poland’s main advantage is Croatia who have RL enemies in Serbia, that means Croatia will most probably choose SPoland’s side. A side Croatia choose is the side many other countries will choose. Especially USA and Chile. SPoland recently signed NAP with USA, that means that side would be open for an alliance with Americans. Chile and Croatia built very good relations recently and Chile already had pretty good communication with SPoland. Macedonia and Bulgaria also had some troubles with eSerbia so it wouldn’t be surprise if some of them choose SPoland’s side too. Greece is the big question. If they choose SPoland then Macedonia will definatly ally Serbia, but if they pick Serbia there’s huge possibility that side would lost both Macedonia and Bulgaria as their potentional allies.

Whatever happens it will be more interesting then it is now..

If you ask me alliance will look like this:

Alliance X:


Alliance Y:


As you can see those question marks means I’m not really sure what’s gonna happen. What will Hungary decide? Is Romania ok? What will Greece decide? Are Macedonia and Bulgaria alright? We’ll see that…

Where is eIreland in this story?

Well, our side has always been with eCroatia and USA. Poland was our great ally and friend before and I see no reason why it couldn’t happen again. I’m pretty sure there’s many of Ireland’s fans in Poland, I’m sure not all of them eDied in this 2 years. I still remember when Polish tanks fought strong for us. A problem for Ireland with integrations with new alliances is definatly United Kingdom, this country sided with Poland and established respectful relations. But, their problem is being small and I don’t think new alliance will take smaller countries in the start. So, they will have to wait, as much as Poland insists on UK that much Croatia and USA will insist on eIreland, especially if we sign this treaty with Americans.

That said, I’m pretty sure Ireland and UK will find themselves in a same alliance. We will have to work on our relations, UK won’t be able to attack and conquer us, we won’t be able to go somewhere through UK. I don’t think it’s gonna be hard to accomplish fair relations with UK, for a change it would actually be funny. We’ll still have possibility as a small country to go for AS somewhere, to help our allies by opening them another front, as Brian Boru said, many “big” countries underestimate smaller ones, with newest changes they have to realise importance of the small countries in the alliance.

Small country such as eIreland have many advatages for its alliance. We’re hard to conquer and hold, we’re easy to Airstrike, we can open another front and most of the time we’re free to help our allies. That makes us great ally. When you add our temper and loyalty to this story I’d say Ireland is a perfect little ally. Yea, we rock…

Military aspect of this game changed and there’s many other things countries have to take care of, smaller countries became a lot more important, I’ll talk more about that in the next part of this article. We’ll see many treaties signed soon, all around the world, diplomacy these days became stronger weapon then a sword. Looks like countries are easier to conquer by treaty then by strong military power. If you can’t keep a region, why would you try to conquer it? I guess that’s the logic.

A country with 100% bonuses will be rarely seen, maybe only Poland and China will be able to do that. Others will just have to make sure their bonuses are “not so bad”. Countries will have to take care of their finances more, there won’t be such a huge production and prices of tanks will stay this high. That means countries will have to focus on providing CO’s in their battles more and to conclude..looks like the Admin really made eWorld same as RL world...money runs the eWorld, money is the power...

Until the next reading stay handsome,
Don Croatia