EPIC this Month

Day 1,304, 16:18 Published in Canada Canada by Sperry

My last article took a wide look at the Party Presidencies throughout Canada. This one zooms in on EPIC as a party, and where we're headed in the coming weeks.

First, it needs to be said - Thank You. Thank you to the 109 people who came out to EPIC to vote for a record 10 candidates. Thanks to the removal of the gold restriction, literally anyone can run for the Presidency once they level up. Addy raises a great point about how this has effected turnouts. More candidates means more competition, which hopefully means that people will have to work harder to earn their spot at the head of each party.

I am thrilled to be able to helm EPIC for another month, and thrilled that so many people in our party have taken on active roles in every aspect of this game. I've been a proud member of this party since its inception, and I look forward to seeing where we go in the coming months. Speaking of which, let's get to it!

Congress Elections

EPIC has set another strong precedent with our Congress achievements in the past few months. The bar of expectations is high, and I challenge us to rise to the challenge and bring Canada the best that we can. To do that, we need your help. Place your candidacy now! EPIC runs candidates who are active, passionate, and respectful. If that's you, hop on board!

As of this article, a whopping 5 Congressmen will be elected in every region. That's going to change a lot of how the 25th is run, and no doubt in the coming days we'll see that number fluctuate quite a bit. Whatever the number lands on (so long as it isn't 0), I'm sure that all of the major parties will present a stellar range of candidates for Canadians to choose from. There's about 300 votes up for grabs from the Non-Top 5s - these people will be making a lot of big decisions in 9 days!

Party Collaboration

EPIC is, first and foremost, Egalitarian. That's a fancy word for Equal. It reflects mechanics, and it reflects the Canadian way - 1 person, 1 voice, 1 vote. Each one matters, and each one is worth time and respect. We don't limit that to our party, or our buddies. To that end, we're 100% open to collaborating with other Canadians to make sure that there's an emphasis on teamwork and goodwill, not on hatemongering and personal attacks.

I hope to continue our positive relationships with the CPP, UN, and DAL. "#Due" was a fantastic group a year ago, and last month the goodwill between these parties was a pleasure to see. I hope to keep building our newfound friendship with MOO, especially because of their emphasis on thinking and adjusting to the game's changes. More importantly, with MOO and DAL exceptionally close to one another for 5th place, I extend to Plugson and his team the same offer EPIC makes to everyone outside of the Top 5. If Bieberific candidates need a place to run, EPIC has room on its ballot.

I also hope to build relations that haven't been as strong as those. I have come to enjoy sitting in #MDParty on the IRC, chattering away with Muglack, Venoms, Wally, and Rylde. Certainly the tone of conversation between us has improved by miles in the past 2 months, and I really do want to continue down this path. You guys are, by and large, "perdy cool".


Nosyt continues to work wonders with the IL and, hopefully, the coming Independent Vanguard. While entirely separate from EPIC (I have no hand in the IL whatsoever), I am very glad to see that this Nosyt-run system is going so well. We'll be bringing forth more IL-related schmexiness in the coming weeks.

Luke Peters has brought forth a proposal for an EPIC bank to help new players, a spin on several of the discussions already going on throughout Canada. Hop on over to the EPIC Forums and take a gander!

To put the reminder out there now, in case I forget, if you're a prospective CP candidate for July 5th, please get in touch with us. Drop by our forums or PM Kronos Q - he'll be running our Primaries this coming month. (You too, Rolo! 😛) We'll be continuing with our model of Alternative Voting to select a candidate that the entire party supports. Best of luck!

15 months, still going strong. Here's to another 15!
