Emma Watson Thread

Day 1,343, 15:51 Published in United Kingdom USA by Emerick

I've been elected president in eRepublik on two different occasions on eRepublik. On each occasion, I defeated USWP. Coincidence? I think not. I'm the opposition, I think that my personality makes it clear enough that I'll always be against something, rather than for. But I'm just a negative guy.

You know in that True Grit remake, how that little girl simply could not use contractions? That was annoying.

There are certain people in eRepublik who believe in a free market system here in eRepublik. Those people are called Hurrs. When they get married, they'll get matching towels labeled His and Hurrs. When they're on trial for attempted murder and the prosecutor asks the victim to identify their attacker, they'll point and say, "It was Hurr!" When they transform into a shark, they'll be all like

The bottom line is that the idea of a free market in eRepublik is entirely stupid. If you haven't gotten that yet, then you just might be a Hurr.

Now, I want you to know that I believe this simply because it's not the mainstream over here. Over in the states, I was like, "Yeah we should totally lower taxes and add some protective import taxes duh," but over here, I'm all like "Yeah we totally need to ramp taxes up to the fucking max and drop import taxes like a Polaroid picture."

I don't listen to rap.

Look dog, I'm just your normal, every day antiestablishmentarianist. You meet guys like me every day. The great thing about being anti-everything is that it gets you views. And at the end of the day, what else matters?

And now for something completely on topic:

Short Hair


The most delicious

All credits to Blazix, our little azn gurl