Emerick for PCP PP

Day 1,332, 21:05 Published in United Kingdom USA by Emerick

This is the story all about how the PCP failed the UK and now we're looking at a military that's actually worse off than in countries who are missing 90% of their country. Effectively, the people of the United Kingdom are getting worse treatments than, well, the entirety of the civilised world.

On this, we can place heavy blame on the alleged "People's Communist Party", for failing to push policy that would propel the UK forward.

We have people like draaglom to thank for the PCP's failure. Who is draaglom? No one knows. What has he ever done? No one knows. What he has not done, we do know. draaglom has not run a party competently. draaglom has not set goals for his party, or given it a proper place in UK politics. And most importantly, draaglom has not saved the UK from itself.

Britons, I'll save you.

I have a grand vision for this communist party, and I have concrete goals for us all to strive for.

Goal #1: better communes for our military
Goal #2: higher taxes for more supplies for our military
Goal #3: keep suckling Servia's teet

Under my command, our beloved PCP will be at the forefront of our country's new economy and our new military. PCP will actually be working for the people again. Under me, we'll bring actual and positive reform to the UK.

So vote for me. Let's get this party started.