eIreland - Let's make some progress!

Day 2,221, 09:38 Published in Ireland Ireland by Bad BIue Boys

Hi eIreland,
I had few thoughts and I wanted to share them with you. eIreland has always been one of smaller countries in eRepublik. We’ve always been fameous for our loyalty and our strenght despite the fact we’re small country. We fight as a big one. But, that’s not the point of my article. In order to progress, to develop and to act as a bit stronger country then we are we must change some things, we must organise ourselves.

I think the strenght of country can be expressed in one simple formula which is not exact or proven, but it can be a guide..

S = 2*A + U + 5*MS + 3*O

S - Strenght (of a country)
A - Activity of its population
U - Unity and morale
MS - Military strenght
O - Organization

We can’t do much with our Military strenght, sure we can bring some soldiers and help our soldiers develop, but without Baby boom we just can’t change MS in my formula..

All other factors are changeable and some of them actually means a lot more then you’d think. UK is perfect example how a country can be considered powerful even without having strong military. What we have to work on is our activity, organisation and unity. Especially the first two aspects, then the third one will come naturally.


There’s so many things we should change in eIreland that I don’t know where to start from. I’d say our Military coordination is on acceptable level, but there’s some things we must change in order to progress or at least build foundation to progress in future. One of those is definatly congress. I’ve been in congress now for almost a month and I didn’t wanted to “spam” our group PM with this ideas, that’s why I wanted to write an article such as this one.

Congress discussions shouldn’t be handled only in two separate group PM’s. That way a lot of useful informations are lost because I doubt someone would like to scroll up for half hour to read 20% of useful informations and 80% of spam or simply “yes” and “no” messages. That’s why we need a forum we’ll actually use. It’s not for no reason that every serious country have the forum, it’s simply neccessary for any kind of civil communication, we have to work on that. We have to improve our communications and encourage inovations and ideas in our congressmans. Currently we just can’t have discussions about two different thing because it would made our group PM full of messages not linked one with another, it cause mess. That can be avoided by having a forum.

This was only one example of how we should improve our organisation, there’s a lot more aspects in this game which we should re-organise and solve in order to produce better outcome (yes I’m economy student). Some of them are also connected with army, parties, congress elections, ministaries etc. But let’s focus on the first one I mentioned because I think that’s the first step for all others, once we have congress forum and a place where we’ll communicate we’ll have starting point for everything else which needs to be organised.


Another very important aspect of country’s strenght. Our IRC channel is empty for a long long time now, we just have to change that, it’s unbelievably improtant people hang out on IRC. Having more people on IRC makes other countries send their representatives on our channel, because it becomes “funny” and productive. We’ll be able to meet more people, start more discussions, more people will know more eIrish, we’ll connect with other countries and establish a better relations. Also it would be a place for all eIrish citizens to meet eachother and hopefully it would increase our teamwork.

I’ll take eUK for example once again, we have many things to learn from their organisation and activity. The succeeded because of their forums and IRC channel. Their citizens met some other influentive citizens of other countries right there, they learned and eventually they’ve become important part of TWO, all of that comes with a time. eUK IRC channel currently have 73 people online and ours have 17! What you think now, what country will establish better relations with some other one eIreland or UK?

I’d like to encourage all of our citizens to start using IRC and our official channels such as #eire and #irisharmy. I’d encourage our Minister of Education to start writing articles “How to join IRC” and our other Ministers to start doing work on IRC. For example Ministry of Welfare should organise giveaways on IRC, Ministry of Defence should organise national strikes more often and Ministry of Community should organise some games on IRC. It have to be coordinated effort by whole eIreland. That’s the way to encourage IRC activity, so underestimated in eIreland and yet - so important.

That’s just some of my thoughts and ideas how to develop our country from a small to the medium strong country..I hope you like it and support it, I also hope to see more and more ideas how to start developing eIreland. We just have to talk about those things. There’s plenty of eIrish who’d really love to see stronger eIreland, but there’s so few of them who would actually do something to accomplish it. Join the IRC, give ideas, comment articles, be supportive to good ideas, give contructive criticism if you don’t like someone’s ideas, just get active!

Sincerly yours,
Don Croata