eBe Future Poll Results

Day 1,429, 16:23 Published in Belgium Belgium by Kylero

Here are the results of the eBe Future Poll. This poll had 14 respondents.

What do you think about the state of our country?

Do you think we need a Constitution?

Do you think we need a Supreme Court?

Do you think we need laws?

Should the Constituion be binding?

Should the Supreme Court be binding?

Which would you prefer?

Which do you prefer?

From what I can glean from these results, is that we have a stark divide between those that want to fix the current system, and those that want to throw the whole system down the drain. I previously said that I think we're seeing a "window of opportunity" for direction setting in this country, but after seeing these results, I don't see how anything could get done as we are split between reforming the system and burning it all down.

What say you?

Also...if you haven't voted yet, please take part in the 1st Novemeber CP Poll

Thank you/Merci,
