Disturbing Ramblings from our Neighbor

Day 867, 16:59 Published in Ireland Ireland by Anthony Colby

The election today in Ireland is seen by many as a chance to change the current political climate in our fair nation that recently has caused upheaval and distrust to rule our government instead of reason and logic. Our new President should have the support of all the Irish people and turn a page on our recent past.
The current election in the United Kingdom does not spell good news for our fair island. The current leader in the UK Presidential race is GLADOS. GLADOS is a well experienced player having gained just about every medal given out by the Admins multiple times. The troubling news about GLADOS being elected President or as they say in the UK, Prime Minister is that he wants to attack Ireland.

Foreign Affairs

GLADOS states in his Military and Foreign Affairs Manifesto that " And now on to one of the more pressing concerns of many within our country, the irish situation. We and the Irish share an island, that island being Ireland. The Irish at one point have occupied one of our regions, Northern Ireland, and have expressed extreme resentment towards us since we took back the region that they occupied. The Irish have also recently joined the broliance, an alliance composed of some of our chief EDEN enemies Canada, America, and the Australians. Many Prime Ministers have made promises of goodwill towards the the Irish. I however, feel that good relations should be received as well as given, and will not give any form of goodwill to the irish until they find that they can reciprocate. As expected after a military action has taken place between two nations there is some leftover hard feelings and animosity but as a general rule there has not been any massive resentment by Irish citizens towards the UK. If there is any resentment it is aimed towards Ireland for having "occupied" one of "their" regions. The region in question being Northern Ireland, which as the name implies should logically be part of Ireland. The "irish situation" GLADOS mentions where the UK and Ireland both share an island also is suspect. He states himself that the island is Ireland so how can the UK share in any part of something that he has stated is Ireland.

Military Affairs

The next step in the manifesto of GLADOS states that if elected he will engage the UK in a direct war before the end of his term. He states that the UK has many options for war but his statement "I personally, say look west! (Or maybe south, depending on where you are in the kingdom.)can have no other meaning than he is looking at Ireland to fulfill his war aims. Having as his election goals to control one new region, and that region being Dublin leaves no doubt that in the near future Ireland will be attacked by the UK.

This image also leaves little doubt. Having the quote underneath "some things just look best in the same colour just proves it even more.


So what are we to do? Sit back and let this happen? No. Ireland will not. We have friends in the Brolliance and Croatia. We will fight. The last time we fought the UK we ended up in a tie. Yes a tie. Who says they won? We fought them twice. The first battle we won. They won the second. They won one and we won one. That is a tie to me. No one can convince me otherwise. The coming days may prove how strong both the UK and Ireland are and if we deserve to be a nation on the world stage. But one thing I know is that we won't go down without a fight and we will not be looked down upon by some nation who thinks they are better than us just because they are bigger than us. So fight Ireland. Fight with everything you have.
