Dignity - Do you even know what it means?

Day 2,220, 01:47 Published in Ireland Ireland by Bad BIue Boys

What is the reason a community should play this game? To have fun? To build proud and strong community? Everyone has its own choice..

Recently I worte this article where I annonced break of TWO. I have to admit I was wrong. Once again TWO surprised me with the amount of disrespect they have for their own countries. Especially Serbia and Slovenia, those two countries would do literally anything it takes just to make sure SPoland keep them around, no matter in what situation they are..

It all started with grudges those countries had with eachother. In the meantime Slovenia built “friendly” (rea😛 damage seeker) relationship with Argentina and Portugal, the two anti-Spain countries who can also be put in the same group as Slovenians and Serbs. Serbia had some grudges with Poland, they wanted more for themselves and Poland as always acts like a boss of the alliance. There’s so many eSerbians who hate Poland, I’d say there’s more of them then those who hate Croatia or Bosnia.
After months of fights they had, after they fought against eachother in numerous RW’s yesterday Slovenian Government wrote shameful article where they actually apologise to SPoland, why? Well they need damage against eCroatia, country who occupied them, one of TWO countries even though Croatia is without alliance and Slovenia is in the “strongest alliance ever”. Obviously Slovenian Government felt it’s time to bend over to SPoland..

Now it’s obvious that TWO is going to act all happy and proud on eachother once again. All of their issues has been solved and now they are once again happy “brotherhood”. Is it really like that? Serbia realised that without SPoland they are nothing, they’ve realised that if TWO falls apart they will be on the weaker side. They would really love to fight SPoland, but they just don’t have courage to do it, they don’t want to finish up on weaker side and they will keep half of the world under their occupation. Some would call that a win in this game, but is it really a victory?

What is the victory? Have 10/10 bonuses? Or is it to have respect for their own country? To be a good ally and friend? To feel good fighting for its alliance. Serbian Government choosed 10/10, is that what Serbia population choose too? Well, according to their shouts they aren’t…

TWO is the first alliance in this game based only on interests. I’d like to point out the word “only”. Every alliance so far was built on interests, but there never was an alliance which was built only on interests. There was always some level of friendship and mutual respect. Looks like those days of eRepublik are gone now, everything that’s left is now bonuses. Not the game I registered to first time..

Slovenia humiliated themselves for damage.
Serbia humiliated themselves for damage.

SPoland don’t like them, but they will use the situation, as they always do...and laugh, laugh hard to them. Good job SPoland, you’re truly professional in having puppies, and SloSerbia already got used to that. They are now raised puppies.

I’ll ask you again, is this your victory? If that’s all it takes to “conquer the world” then I’d rather be without a country and smile to those who sell themselves even in a virtual game. Have fun doing that!

What will the rest of World do? I doubt we’ll wait for SPoland to get rid of Slovenia and Serbia, that would be naive since it’s more then obvious that will never happen as long as Serbians keep bending over themselves. We should organise and regroup, we can beat them, they aren’t real alliance, we just have to raise morale, get our sh*t together and fight. I’ll write about that in my next article…

And to finish with a question to Slovenia and Serbia..maybe a bit pathetic, but I truly feel that way.
We maybe don't have damage, or regions, but you...you don't have dignity. Who is the real winner?

Don Croata