Dear Bulgaria [EN]

Day 1,040, 20:03 Published in Bulgaria Spain by Rosa Violet Carson
Hello Bulgarian friends!

Most of you (99😵 do not know me, I guess. 😛 So let me introduce myself: I'm Ryan Cullen, Minister of Foreign Affairs of eBrazil (MoFA) for the fifth time. And since I was Minister of Communications.

I am a typical Brazilian: I like women, soccer and samba. But I also know what it means to work seriously! 😉

I work a lot in the diplomatic area, and the Balkan area caught my attention. In particular, the Bulgaria caught my attention. A relatively large country, who always fought with honor. I immediately liked this country and its culture.

I am writing this article because we (Brazil) like the Bulgarian people, and we understand your indignation. We're not happy with the current situation too. We know that the situation in the alliance is not good.

However, we feel that relations between Bulgaria and Brazil have weakened. We would like to strengthen that friendship. Renewing the votes of friendship and mutual aid. Fostering a real rapprochement between the peoples of both countries.

If you are interested in talking with Brazilians, this is our forum: Erepublik Brasil. And our IRC channel is #EBR.

Despite all this, eBrazil has not forgotten eBulgaria. The Brazilian people will help Bulgaria when necessary. Just call and we'll be there.

In the battle of Liaoning, Brazil injected 85,511.75 of damage. I think you can see the potential of our Army. This same army which will help Bulgaria, if necessary. We know that our army is not perfect, but we're working hard to make it as close to perfection as possible.

I would like to thank my friend Dino. He helped me to write this article. And I would send a kiss to Thaydi, who reviewed the text. :3

I almost forgot! Bulgaria, I have a hot gift from Brazil to you:

Thank you for your attention! And excuse my English, I know he's sucks.

Your friend,

Ryan Cullen
MoFA of Brazil