CrΩmega Abú

Day 2,245, 04:47 Published in Ireland Ireland by Bad BIue Boys

Hello eWorld, especially those who will compete in this “fun wars” our Government is organising in cooperation with Belgium, Czech, Switzerland, Montenegro, Moldova and Denmark. As a Commander of CrOmega I wanted to wish you all good luck and remind our members that we have only one goal for this competition - to win it.

I’ll paste a part of our MoFA’s article here and hope more people will be informed about this very interesting competition.

“At the beginning of the next weekly tournament, nations will fight with all their might to rack up damage and kills. Damage and kills will be monitored on the weekly damage boards. This is a well matched group of nations so the competition should be great. An article will most likely be published half way through the contest to update on the current standings, which will change constantly. Even if your nation does not place in the top 3, with effort, your national MUs may stand a better chance. Even if your MU does not place well, you can represent both them along with your nation by tanking it up in the Individual competition!”

So there’s going to be nice prices for Number 1 Military Unit, country and individual. Let’s win them all.

You can donate things or money for prize pool here.

Don Croata

CrΩmega Abú