Congress Report FEB-MAR, Week 1

Day 1,931, 04:49 Published in India Canada by Alias Vision

On February 25th, you elected 40 Congress members to serve you and go about the business of running this nation. So what has Congress been up to?

It took a little while to get the discussion going. At one point there appeared to be some confusion as to who should lead the new Congress. Finally Cadfan, outgoing HoC, took the command and officially got us underway. This was three days ago.

The first order of business was choosing the HoC for Feb-Mar. Cadfan indicated his interest in remaining in the position and asked if anyone else would like to step forward. Nobody did and so he was elected by acclamation and is therefore the HoC for this term.

The second order of business was to clear up citizenship status for a few applicants. So far that debate has gone smoothly as the people wanting citizenship have gone through the proper channels and have good references.

Finally, in the past 24 hrs a discussion on taxes has come to the forefront slowly. Likely related to this we have seen our first two rogue proposals. The law proposals will be voted down until proper protocol is observed in Congress.

A modest start but we are getting warmed up and should be a lot more productive in the coming week.

If you, citizen of India, have any issue you would like to see discussed in Congress, I invite you to message me. I am willing to make myself your voice in Congress if you would like a particular situation looked at. Alternatively, I'm also willing to explain/discuss with you why a particular proposal would not be dealt with in Congress or at this time.

My door is always open.

Congressional Stats:
Participation rate: 60%
AV's Choice for Best Congress Performers, Week 1: Asmitatheone, eWolverine