Congress, Hippies, Representation and What Smells Like Skunk......

Day 1,831, 10:29 Published in USA Pakistan by Frodo Tea Baggins

It's been an interesting year to say the least, with many changes I've got to witness first hand for better or worse. Pit stops aside, to spread some love, help where needed I've spent most of the year in one place. Started from a vision by the immortal Jude 'the hippie' Connors I got to witness the birth of the USMJ party. A simple concept formed the base of this party, to give a different approach and a different view to the gov't of this country and to reach out to the people. Let's face it the so called 'elite' crowd is not always right. At the time led by the USWP and the grandmaster Fluffer, it was obvious others needed to get their voices out, a recent failure of a CP term has shown more than enough proof the those that consider themselves the puppetmasters really need a reality check more often than not.

A tourist enjoys a visit to the Jude Connors National Botanical Gardens

The concept worked well for a while until a day came when Jude caught a bad buzz and decided to retire. This unfortunately allowed a snake to enter the picture disguised as a chicken. Many people clung to the ship regardless of the inevitable backstabbings to come. In a time such as these several good words start to take on different meanings. The era of the RLC is well known however it clouds the truth of what really transpired. Many words in these conditions get confused and overused, PTO, ATO, opposition. Lies and deceit ran rampant allowing Ajay to PTO the party by the same means he uses today, recruiting anyone he can by whatever means necessary to forward his own agenda. He often uses the words 'opposition to the gov't' however the way in which he uses it is much different than the way others do.

When questioned an old USMJ member was quick to give his opinion on how CG was able to pull this switcheroo on honest party members I Got Stoned and I Missed It.

That aside some of us stuck around anyway to keep an eye on the internal workings and get an idea of how one RGR worked. There's nothing too complicated about the manipulation used by the AFA leadership, infact it's very similar to that used in many places. Speaking well while twisting words is the basis of politics whether ingame or RL and buying people off with trinkets of false power is equally abundant. Regardless of the goals it's so common that Fluffer and Ajay almost appear to be twins in the devises they use. PTO/ATO has been so overused it has no meaning anymore, two sides square off with a puppermaster of 1 or the other trying to yank strings and maintain why they are right, while the only difference between the two is one isn't using foreign interests as it's backbone. Otherwise the power promises, manipulation and forceful pushes of opinions is identical. Twisting words from both sides and when all else fails hurl insults.

I'll stop with the history lesson there and say We The People are here today and we know the recent events. Some of the same people are here today with the same ideals, and we been joined by others. We are the opposition in the proper use of the term in politics. We are not a pile of fakers like RGR and AFA, we aren't here to take over and screw everyone, that is not opposition that is a powerplay, a PTO. We are those that want to contribute and bring forth new ideas. We want to question why certain policies should be followed, not kill them, and maybe find ways to improve them. We 'ARE' The People and we are here for you.

For The People
By The People
We The People

Your Goddess,