Congratulations Uncle Sam!

Day 471, 21:23 Published in USA USA by scrabman

Congratulations Uncle Sam!

At last the time has come, the citizens of the eUnited States of America have made their decision. I want to congratulate Uncle Sam on his re-election to the office of the Presidency, and I extend that congratulations to his Vice President, Joe Dasmoe for running a clean campaign in the midst of prosecuting the Mexican War, and emerging victorious.

Many have asked how I am feeling at this moment in time, perhaps expecting discouragement or anger … but I feel neither, my sense of thankfulness to the American citizens is just too great to allow any false self-pity to emerge. I'm thrilled that so many people have helped me in this campaign and have voted for me today (500 at the last glance). I never would have expected this 3 months ago when I was asked to step up and lead the USWP in a time of need. So today I feel gratitude.

I congratulate each of the other candidates for President this during this election, DesertFalcon, Jewitt and Don Keedrick; though you, as I, may not have reached the prize we sought, each and every vote that your received is an acknowledgment that, though we have diverse opinions and strategies to contribute to America’s future, we represent citizens that are willing to invest in our vision the item of greatest value in a democracy…the vote. Further ... we all ran clean campaigns and that is a truly remarkable thing.

I thank my running mate, PrincessMedyPi, for her contributions and energy during the campaign … as she has always proven, and will continue proving, her focus is on a positive future for America. PrincessMedyPi, I am sorry that we were unable provide you with the platform of the Vice Presidency to extend that positive vision to fruition for the citizens of the eUnited States of America.

I thank my campaign manager, Inwegen, who orchestrated a mammoth campaign while still adroitly serving in his role as current United States Secretary of State. Inwegen, my friend, you are a testament to the fact that a campaign can be about positive solutions and still see great success, even in the current climate of partisan rancor and polarization.

I thank the United States Worker’s Party volunteers that stepped up in the midst of the return of Plato and worked long hours and contributed so much to my race, I am honored to have been able to represent you for the Presidential race. Your efforts have been noticed and deeply appreciated.

Many are asking what my plans are. Well, I plan to work on getting the eUSA Court System on-line and fun like it was in the old Forums and to write more articles about those adventures and other fun stuff. So please keep your subscriptions and I'll do my best to keep you entertained. And perhaps you will see me running again next month ... give me some time to talk it over with my party and those 500 people who supported me.

Once again, congratulation Uncle Sam and Joe DaSmoe, I know that you will serve the American citizens well, and, finally, thank you America for voting, regardless of for whom your vote was cast, once again you demonstrated your civic pride and desire for positive solutions with this election cycle.

Sincerely, thank you,
