Come On Congress! Let Rolo Stay!

Day 1,294, 17:46 Published in Canada Canada by CptKaydee

Well as I watch congress yell at each other about Rolo winning. I have to say I am somewhat proud to have voted Rolo. This country is already 100% more interesting. Rolo has actually gave me a reason to stay eCanadian. We all have to agree eCanada was in the sh*tter.

I’ve seen many things happen, the CAF making fools as themselves (well that’s normal) and that congress, “the voice of the people” have decided no Rolo for Canada. Will a Rolo presidency really hurt? Not really look at the facts. He ain’t getting any passwords to orgs. He ain’t holding any money. His cabinet won’t be holding any money. He’s beast with game mechanics. He has stated on IRC that he will return the money he stole as soon as he sells his companies. Oliver mellors stated that the Court did not forbid Rolo from holding public office.

Reasons why we should keep Rolo:

-Rolo will not be touching money and even doesn’t want it.
-He will be making serious battle orders
-He is beast with the war module
-He has stated the stolen money will be returned

Reasons to impeach:

-He stole thousands of gold. (but will return it when his companies sell)

Other Interesting Articles

- Why Rolo Won the -Election...and what the heck are we going to do next?
- I voted Rolo
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