Centrelink - The youth speaks

Day 2,069, 04:56 Published in Australia Australia by Joey Development Scheme

Greetings fellow eAustralians, we at Centrelink thought we would break the boredom before the expected push with Indonesia by stalking a couple of promising players. These two young lads have taken advantage of the Centrelink scheme and who better to pose a few questions about Centrelink? Fast Frosty and Kostyan1were kind enough to allow me their time in completing these questions so thank you guys - Also please keep reading as there will be links to the Centrelink scheme works and the simple tasks new players can complete for generous rewards (Tasks such as Reach level 15!!!) as well as our latest donation wall of fame -

1, You both are new to the game, how are you finding it so far?

Fast Frosty - I’m in awe by this game and have been searching for one like it for many years. Turns out this has been around for a long time. I enjoy witnessing how the game promotes patriotism, camaraderie & activity within a country. A lot of people have helplessly offered their support to help me get to grips with the game, and I’m very grateful for this. eAustralia is small in quantity but not quality, at least when it comes to getting new players up to scratch.

Kostyan1 - This was an advertising in a social network. And this advertising was from my countryman in the real life 🙂 I don't know why I chosen eAus but I do not regret 🙂 When I have some time I am here. I like this game. This is interesting, well carefully thought out game and I can study language through communication with other people. Many people have offered their support to help me and it is very pleasure and unusual for me.

2, What are your honest opinions of Centrelink and has it helped you?

Fast Frosty - The setup of Centrelink was instrumental in keeping me playing this game beyond my first day here. The simplified goals and outlines it provides newbies help with getting them on the right path, and it also opens up a whole range of potential new friends within the game. I believe its affects will become obvious to all whenever we go to war next as we should have a powerful fourth division (if the majority of other newbies quickly complete the first tasks, and read/ask questions on the forum).

Kostyan1 - The Centrelink is doing all to help new citizens became strong and develop, send to the correct way, prompt and help resources on the first stages of game by implementation of simple tasks. Centrelink is inalienable part of our social life. I hope Centrelink will continue a collaboration with players 🙂

3, Are the supplies for completing the tasks ample enough to help you in your early stages of eRepublik?

Fast Frosty - The weaponry & food supplies were mostly saved for when eAustralia needs it. I think they’ll become very useful when that time comes. I used some energy bars & a bomb while fighting with allies but that was a newbie mistake. One which 99% of the game probably made in their first days. To answer your question; there was more than enough!

Kostyan1 - I have not used bombs and bazookas yet ( I have a wise counsel 😉) I understand the weapon and food are need Сentrelink for battles in the near future but every day I am thinking "what I will do tomorrow?" 😞 I constantly test a requirement both in a good, both in a money or in a weapon.

4, I see you have registered on the forums (completing another task), how are you finding being on the forums?

Fast Frosty - I’m really enjoying the forums. The structure is solid and the activity is very high. People are serious about moving forward as a nation which is very impressive. It shows an addictive thirst to overcome the odds. An initial turnoff was the ongoing personal arguments that continue from thread to thread. In my opinion, if experienced players left their differences in PM’s and kept the forums fun & informative, newer players might be more inclined to read full threads and join in with discussions. The #ausrep chat is always a great laugh and very active.

Kostyan1 - The forums are well organized and simple in using. He must be necessarily. There more experimental players can be divided ideas and advice with beginners, that simply will help nation to become stronger and stronger.

5, Are there any other tasks you would like to see added or changed to Centrelink?

Fast Frosty - At the risk of sounding ignorant, I’ll add my two cents. Perhaps adding tasks that show how important gold & strength is. For example, rewards for making an upgrade to the free training grounds and having X amount of gold after one week. Also, the link to the chat feature doesn’t work on the forums, so I have to get there manually. This might be my own issue.

Kostyan1 - Gold.. Every citizen know as heavily to get it but it is very important for development. It seems to me by means of more experimental players create some treasury which will help, for example, one time in a few weeks to lift the level of citizens. To select these facilities on building to the less developed players. And such players in same queue at first will get development, and secondly able constantly to help resources which will produce to the general treasury of the state and it can be used for war operations.

6, Do you think you'll stick around and continue playing eRepublik in the long term?

Fast Frosty - No, I don’t think I’ll stick around and continue playing eRepublik in the long term. I know it! 😉 Really love this game! I'm thinking about it even when I'm at work, lol. I'll be around for a long time.

Kostyan1 - I am sure in that able to visit a game every day. Scarcely I will be able to spare much time, but a few hours, I think, will be mine 🙂

And thank you guys for your time in reading and responding, and I promise your input will be thoroughly noted and mulled over, after all this is YOUR scheme

And now we come to the wall of fame, a little thank you to those who have donated to the Centrelink scheme and for that we can not thank you enough. This week we thank Ranger Bob, m.a.x.i and DodgyHagrid. Thank you.

Remember guys Centrelink needs all the help you can give us no matter how big and small because the more donations we receive the less we use of our budget and it goes straight back into your Governments treasury for other important uses. Donations should be sent to Directors of Centrelink Dr Hugh Jardon or Claire-Louise

NEW PLAYERS -You can find the Centrelink tasks HERE and there is no catch, no pay back. This is not a loan! Your Government really is just here to help you with each completed task seeing you receive 200 Q4 food and 5 Q7 Tanks. And with our push against our occupiers due in literally a few hours time then this is your time to shine. We are here to help you! Remember to click this link for the tasks and details on how to claim.

Don't forget to vote and subscribe for future articles oh and visit the National Library too as it is very beneficial.

The eAustralian National Library

Please subscribe to the Government Department Newspapers, Join the eAustralian Forums, and take a look at our National Library run by the Department of Human Services to aid our New Players.

...and finally...remember to fight hard but wise on the battlefield. This is no time for personal glory but glory for the entire of eAustralia so if a battle is clearly won then save your energy for the next round. Together we are strong and lets not waste the help from our allies either...we can do this!