Centrelink - News and Competition

Day 2,088, 06:12 Published in Australia Australia by Joey Development Scheme

Well firstly on behalf of myself (Dr Hugh Jardon)and Claire Louise can I thank you for allowing us to continue for a second continuous month with the Centrelink scheme. We hope to continue building upon the great month we had in July and further our goals of helping eAustralia's young players. There were some great ideas from some of the Centrelink participants who we interviewed last month and rest assured I will be bringing those ideas up in the next few days, this could possibly see some new tasks included or existing ones amended. As usual I will keep you updated when I take these Ideas to your Country President....now back to work...

This is a competition designed for the participants of the Centrelink scheme who have taken advantage and completed at least 5 tasks...see below...so if you have so far contacted either Director and received rewards then this is for you - CLAIRE LOUISE WILL BE HOLDING A RANDOM DRAW WITH THE WINNER RECEIVING 5 GOLD, YES 5 GOLD!. The prize has been donated by your Centrelink directors and is in no way taken from the Government budget or from any donations, we encourage you to use this towards upgrading your training grounds...or eBooze and eHookers, either way it is win-win!. So what do you have to do??? You literally have to do nothing apart from send a PM to either myself Dr Hugh Jardon or Claire-Louise just asking to be entered into the draw. The winner will be drawn at random and announced in our next article...this competition is only open to those who are registered in the Centrelink scheme already up to the morning of 8th August 2013.

Yeah time for the begging bowl! Last month we never touched one cent of the Governments budget and we hope to repeat that this month too. So far we have received 4,820cc in donations this week alone. Add to that the 3,000cc surplus and we already have a healthy 8,870cc in our account. But...and like Dawn French it is a big but...last month we had a three week term while Centrelink was being organised and our expenditure was just under 8,000cc and that was before we became a united country again, something which will appeal to new players so we expect to see more applications to Centrelink. Remember all donations are logged and any excess will be either taken over to next months finances or sent to the treasury so if you have any excess food or weapons and you are happy to donate them then you can send them to myself - Dr Hugh Jardon or Claire-Louise. And we thank you sincerely for your help to all those who have donated this month -

Nyx Lynx 5gold
Nicky6Fingers 650cc
m axi 70cc
Kerna96 100cc
Claire Louise 2000cc
Dr Hugh Jardon 2000cc

The below tasks are designed to help new players to eAustralia and if you complete any of these tasks then PM the Directors (listed below) and you will receive 200 Q4 food and 5 Q7 tanks for each task completed.

Task 1 - Join the Australian Defence Force or any Military Unit - There are many benefits from joining a MU including doing your daily orders set by the MU. These reward you with a 100energy health bar and a bazooka to be used when you are a higher strength but for now they will be stockpiled in your storage.

Task 2 - Join a political party. Playing a part in the political side is an option open to you but if you wish to represent your country in eAustralian senate then you have to be a part of a political party. It also will open up doors to parts of our community you may miss otherwise. Parties can be found HERE

Task 3 - Reach level 15, once you've reached level 15, contact Director of Centrelink Dr Hugh Jardon or Claire-Louise and we will send you your rewards each time you inform us you have completed another task.

Task 4 - Reach level 20, again PM the people above (Task 3) for rewards.

Task 5 - Register on the eAustralian Forums and play a part in our growing community and you will meet many friendly people who are always willing to help you.

Task 6 - Once registered on the eAustralian Forums join the Australian Defence Force section. This way you can receive even more supplies and better get to know your fellow Aussies, just ask on the forums for access and it shall be granted.

Task 7 - Get on IRC and speak with current Country President Flatty or Minister for Education Saiwun...don't worry they don't bite and were new players once as well.

Task 8 - Earn your first True Patriot medal. You get these by completing a certain amount of damage for your country of citizenship - eAustralia and the game will also reward you with 5 gold automatically for achieving this. With us liberating our homeland this is the perfect time to fight for eAustralia.

Task 9 - Earn 100 strength points through training each day.

Task 10 - Reach the in-game rank of Sergeant. By fighting in your Military Unit you will soon reach this rank and reap the rewards.

The below are links to valuable sources of information for eAustralians young and old, so please feel free to use them as they are there to help you.

Please subscribe to the Government Department Newspapers, Join the eAustralian Forums, and take a look at our National Library run by the Department of Human Services to aid our New Players.