Centrelink - Meet the Director

Day 2,099, 09:43 Published in Australia Australia by Joey Development Scheme

Well good people of eAustralia, today we will be announcing who won our competition with the 10gold prize, an update on the amazing donations we have received so far...and we have an interview with the quiet half of your Centrelink duo - Claire Louise. As always we will publish the tasks young and new players can complete for generous rewards...SO LET'S AVE IT!!!

If you fledglings aren't aware eAustralia goes to the polls on the 25th to elect the senate that could run or ruin your great eCountry. It is your senate that will vote on who we will sign a Mutual Protection Pact with, tax laws and it is your elected senators that have passes to grant eCitizenship to foreign nationals who are applying. It is vitally important your vote and voice is heard so please take a few moment to read party articles and remember to vote.

We are still pushing hard against the Indonesian menace so please remember to look out for Government articles with battle orders. If the bar is pushed in our favour during the battle (55% plus) then please try and hold off your damage for the next round if possible. Together we are strong and by fighting wisely we will win.

Well thanks again to WyvernJack we were able to raise our competition prize from 5g to 10g. The random draw was made and we are proud to annouce the winner was - AussieMate. Congratulations mate and we hope you use your gold wisely.

Another free random draw for all Centrelink participants who entered the scheme between July-August 2013 will take place next week, details will be in our next article.

Well now it is our third in a series of interviews we are planning at Centrelink, this time I felt it would be good for you eAussies to hear from the quiet partner of Centrelink - Claire-Louise. She is quiet behind the scenes but without her I don't believe I would have lasted a week in the role as Centrelink Director, and for that I owe her a huge debt of gratitude. So...lets get to know her a bit better -

What brought you to eAus?

Dr Hugh did! 😃 I left the eUK partly due to personal reasons, partly just because it was so terrible; so much bitching and venom, and partly because I just love to stalk Hugh. Some proper nasty people over in the eUK though. Some characters aswell, but the morons definitely ruin it.

What made you apply for the role as Director of Centrelink?

Technically I didn't. Dr Hugh told me one night I was gonna be his sidekick in an effort to get me back into the game, and that was kind of it really!

How do you enjoy the Directorship?

See, I thought that said dictatorship at first. It's ahreet! Quite enjoying it actually. It's nice to help out newbies and try and keep them in the game, keep them active. It's great being a part of that. Tallying the finances also gives my brain a once a month work out 😛

What does the future hold for Centrelink?

Hopefully some great things. I'm more than happy to continue with this for as long as possible, so hopefully we'll be able to get more newbies signing up and help more players. Hopefully this scheme will also help retention rates too. All the feedback I have seen from players signing up to Centrelink has been absolutely positive, so it's clear players find this useful and it's helping them out a lot.

Favourite part of eAustralia?

Most people seem pretty nice. I mean, there's still a few weirdo's and morons, and of course the 'anal brigade' (not the good kind of anal, either...), but they're in every eCountry. Nowhere near as much venom as I've experienced in the past though. Yet haha.

Any other Government departments you want to try your hand at?

Uhh not sure really. Technically I never really "intended" to get involved with Centrelink but I am enjoying it and I'm definitely glad Hugh pulled me into it. We will see. Maybe. Potentially. Possibly. Eh, I dunno.

What are your hobbies away from the world of eRep?

Gaming (mainly Xbox, bar Sims), sewing (a new hobby but something I'm really enjoying doing) and collecting makeup/nail polish. Some would say 800 bottles of nail polish is obsessive. To those people, I would simply say - nerrrrrrr. And stalking Hugh is a hobby of mine of course. My favourite hobby, actually! 'Bout it really. I'm a fairly boring person!

What do you do to relax in the real world?

KILL PEOPLE. IT CALMS ME DOWN. Uhh. Playing Sims is always chilling, as is sewing. Well, when Sims doesn't crash because EA are terrible at fixing game-breaking bugs. Chilling with Hugh watching telly is also pretty awesome. Apart from those...sleeping and eating!

What's a perfect night in for you?

If I could have absolutely any night at all - it'd be spent with Hugh, and I don't care what we'd do. Actually that leaves the door open for him to suggest very bizarre things. Like dogging. That would be a no no. So I'll say junk food and a film whilst having cuddles on the settee 🙂

Where do you see yourself in eRepublik in a years time?

No idea. I might still be around, I might not. I'd like to think I'd still be around, but you never know what's going to happen in "the real world"...Will just have to see!

Ever thought of entering Miss eRepublik?

I did briefly back in the eUK. I was just shocked at the complete lack of participants. But, I figured there are much nicer, lovelier, prettier, skinnier ladies than myself and I'd just end up looking a bit of a nob 😛 So I didn't bother in the end. Though given there seems to be a large following of red heads in eRep, it might be a good idea next time around. Might get me a few extra votes!

Panties or Chastity Belt?

Panties, clearly. If I'm wearing a Chastity belt Hugh can't get to me :'(

Dinner with six people (alive or dead). Who would you invite and why?

Hugh for one. As for the other 5...well my first thought was we could both invite people we don't like and have some sort of awesome fantastic murder ritual with them. It'd be fun, trust me. Other than that...I really don't know. Probably just a collective bunch of people I despise so I could just kill them all. Yeah. That sounds like a plan. A plan we should arrange. I'll PM you details later on Hugh 😉

Politics - left or right?

Ahhhhhh. Right wing in terms of law and order, left wing when it comes to things like gay marriage/religion (I tried to think of a collective term, but it just isn't happening). Stuff like that.

Massive thanks to Hugh for interviewing me 🙂

Well this month we have received the equivalent of 16,737cc in donations and we can not thank you all enough. At our second end of term report we will publish every incoming and outgoing, including how much food and tanks have been sent out. We will also tell you how many new players have been retained in the game and how many have sadly died off...we can reveal two have been banned for being multiple accounts which is bloody annoying to us.

This again will be another month where our Government budget won't be touched and we should even go into the following month with another surplus. You bloody Aussies are awesome, especially the following -

The below tasks are designed to help new players to eAustralia and if you complete any of these tasks then PM the Directors (listed below) and you will receive 200 Q4 food and 5 Q7 tanks for each task completed. These have been updated to include new tasks, but please...PLEASE...remember that we can only currently reward you when you have signed up to the eAustralian forums. A link to the forums is included in one of the tasks - task 5, and you will also get a reward for doing just that. Posting on the forums is down to you but while we are under a PTO threat we want to make sure the supplies we send go to legal and worthy accounts. We apologise for the inconvenience.

Task 1 - Join the Australian Defence Force or any Military Unit - There are many benefits from joining a MU including doing your daily orders set by the MU. These reward you with a 100energy health bar and a bazooka to be used when you are a higher strength but for now they will be stockpiled in your storage.

Task 2 - Join a political party. Playing a part in the political side is an option open to you but if you wish to represent your country in eAustralian senate then you have to be a part of a political party. It also will open up doors to parts of our community you may miss otherwise. Parties can be found HERE

Task 3 - Reach level 15, once you've reached level 15, contact Director of Centrelink Dr Hugh Jardon or Claire-Louise and we will send you your rewards each time you inform us you have completed another task.

Task 4 - Reach level 20, again PM the people above (Task 3) for rewards.

Task 5 - Register on the eAustralian Forums and play a part in our growing community and you will meet many friendly people who are always willing to help you.

Task 6 - Once registered on the eAustralian Forums join the Australian Defence Force section. This way you can receive even more supplies and better get to know your fellow Aussies, just ask on the forums for access and it shall be granted. You might prefer to click the sexy graphic right here instead -

Task 7 - Complete 10 forum posts and include a link or a screenshot of your profile to either Centrelink Directors. The threads you post in are down to your discretion.

Task 8 - Get on IRC and speak with current Country President Flatty or Minister for Education Saiwun...don't worry they don't bite and were new players once as well.

Task 9 - Earn your first True Patriot medal. You get these by completing a certain amount of damage for your country of citizenship - eAustralia and the game will also reward you with 5 gold automatically for achieving this. With us liberating our homeland this is the perfect time to fight for eAustralia.

Task 10 - Earn 100 strength points through training each day. Remember to check your profile occasionally so you can receive your deserved reward for reaching this milestone.

Task 11 - Reach the in-game rank of Sergeant. By fighting in your Military Unit you will soon reach this rank and reap the rewards.

Task 12 - Upgrade your free training ground at least once. Strength equals damage, which leads to XP...and it is free to train. Every experienced player will tell you this is the best way to spend and invest your gold.

Task 13 - Achieve your first hard worker medal, you get a hard worker medal for working 30 days and the game mechanics itself notifies you when you have done this as well as rewards you with 5 gold...so it is win/win.

The below are links to valuable sources of information for eAustralians young and old, so please feel free to use them as they are there to help you.

Please subscribe to the Government Department Newspapers, Join the eAustralian Forums, and take a look at our National Library run by the Department of Human Services to aid our New Players.