Candidacy for PP [Eire Aonair]

Day 2,247, 11:20 Published in Ireland Ireland by Bad BIue Boys

Hello eIreland, this is my official candidacy for Party President of Eire Aonair. It won’t be a long article, I’ll just introduce myself to some of our members who maybe doesn’t know me and I’ll present you my own goals for the next month, including Cabinet I’m expecting to help me reach those goals.

Part 1:

Since I have the new nickname I thought it wouldn’t be bad to introduce myself (once again). I’m former MUFC92, older members of our community will remember me, I was Irish President four times and numerous times Minister of Defence, I was founder of Irish Progressive Party, a party which eventually merged with Eire Aonair once we thought this was needed. IPP was number 1 Irish party and EA was out of top 5 and we still decided to rename ourselves to Eire Aonair. I think that says enough about the respect I have for our party. I think I had ¾ successful terms, some of them was more then just successful, and there was the one term I was kinda naive by trusting our “ally”, it still bothers me every day, but now that’s just the past...

Part 2:

Vice-President - Rafaia
Secretary General - Seanan
Councillor - Ian E Coleman
Spokesman - irishbhoy1967

Rafaia just had a great term as Party President, he handled things very wise and she’s generally one of the most active people around.
Seanan and Ian E Coleman are one of the best advisors you can have around, both of them are well-known for their expirience and knowledge and that’s exactly what a good leaders of a party should posses.
irishbhoy1967 is the guy who I’d like to defend me on court in real-life. He’s the guy who don’t lose debates, he has recently joined Eire Aonair and I’m very proud to give our new members chance to express themselves. A perfect Spokesman.

Part 3:

My goals
EA has been working perfectly lately, we’ve been the Irish party with the most comments in the media, and what’s more important most of those comments were actually opinions and constructive debates. I’m planning to encourage our members to keep up with expressing their own opinion anywhere they want, I want each one of us gets involved in eIrish community and give their contribute to a more friendly and progressive community.

Things we wasn’t so perfect in was our internal activity, that’s exactly what my biggest challenge will be. I’ll try to gather all active members, who have knowledge about the different topics to register their accounts on our forum and to start using our IRC channel again. IRC and forum are neccessary for any party, it improves our communication and it helps us having debates, votings and generally discuss things.

So to sum up, my goals are:
-Improve the communication
-Increase the democracy in our party
-Involvement of all members equally
-Creating friendly society
-Working towards Irish National Unity

Part 4:

Final words:
Eire Aonair was never a party with any RL ideology. Knowledge and expirience, helping and contributing society has always been our top priority and we don’t plan to change that. Eire Aonair will give its best to improve our unity, increase activity and encourage people who actually know something about game-mechanics to raise their voice. Those are the people we’d like to have in our party and those are the people we accept as our members. RL propaganda, ideology and nationality was never important for us, as long as you’re having good intentions and you actually know what this game is about you’re good enough for EA. No matter what are you in real-life.

We do have eIreland above anything else.

Our forum:
Our IRC channel: #eireaonair
Party page:

Don Croata