Calling all business owners!

Day 1,373, 06:55 Published in Egypt Egypt by Franz Kafka

We're back on the map! Now it's time to get back to building our country.

Now this is an appeal to our business owners. New citizens will be applying for jobs in your companies. You will be the first to notice them. Most new players give up after a few days, we have to try and keep them engaged until the game gets interesting for them. If they stay engaged in the game, Egypt will become greater, and you will have better employees! So let's make contact with them and try and encourage them to stay engaged.

I just sent this to a new employee who is a new citizen to the game:

"Welcome to eEgypt! I see that you are a new player to the game. I hope you enjoy being a citizen of eEgypt. In the early days, this game can appear to be quite boring, but do stick with it, it is worth it!

We need more citizens to get involved in the politics. In the very near future you could be running for congress and opening a newspaper.

Do make friend links to people and come join us on IRC chat ( server: Rizon; room: #eegypt)

If you need any assistance, do let me know, I'm happy to help.

Franz Kafka"

Feel free to use or tailor this message.

I would also like to encourage our government to think about some kind of new citizen programme to get resources to new active citizens. This is something I think our Croat compatriots could help a lot with, I know in the past they have had some very successful new citizen programmes - any assistance they can lend us would be invaluable!