Blessing of Tewio

Day 941, 13:57 Published in Switzerland Finland by Erius

Greetings, eSwitzerland!

I am Erius, founder of White Lion Order, former president of Finland and Singapore, multiple ex-minister and congressmen and tewionist. I`ve also been granted with the title of Prophet of Tewio because I was the first person who gained the blessing of our Great White Father. It was me, who was gifted with the vision from Tewio and who gathered a group of first tewionist`s to start our first holy crusade – the crusade of Singapore.

You might have heard something about it, but that is not the topic of this article. I came to Switzerland just couple hours ago, but I`ve watched your doings for months – and heard rumours and news from my fellow white lions. I`ve always planned well all the ”operations” on which I`ve participated in, and this was not a exception.

But back to the topic. In this article I`m gonna tell you about the White Lion Order – and about the our holy war against those Shaolin PTOer`s.

White Lion Order

We`re a group of finnish players (but we`ve also had some foreign members and we welcome everyone to our ranks – what ever his/her IRL homeland is!), who are eager to find a new meaning for their eLifes. Most of us have experienced active times in politics of eFinland or some other country and they want to experience something new. Our organization is willing to give that opportunity to it`s members – and every member of our organization is able to propose an ”operation” for our group (each member can also decided, will he/she participate in that operation or not). Till this day we`ve had two operations – the Singapores crusade and Switzerland`s Resistance (which is currently going on). Our organization is small, but we`ve active and loyal members. If you`re interested about joining our group, please send PM to Potaatti or to Hawley. They will take of our new recruits.

The other meaning of our organization is tewionism. The eReligion based on the belief on Tewio, the great White One. You can read more about Tewio from this article:

Tewio is asking tewionist`s to follow these three theorem – which will also form our battle cry and motto:

Fight with Honour!

This sentence means that a tewionist has always honour his foes, his friends and himself. He has to be proud, brave and devoted in his eLife. This sentence also includes our the most important difference with the other religious group in Switzerland – Shaolins. While they accept PTO as a way to take control in other countries, tewionist`s would never accept such. White Lion Order has always and will always do their job in the way how the native citizens of their current object country wants – they will never try to rise to power against the will of the native citizens. Tewio has also encouraged us to fight against such actions – and so we can also be called as a Anti-PTO group. Shaolins are PTOers, while we`re Anti-PTOers – this makes us enemies.

Fight for Tewio!

This sentence will ask us to follow the will of Tewio. We will not be neutral players, neather we`re Pro-EDEN or Pro-PHOENIX. Tewio has told us, that there will be eternal war in eWorld, and that it will rage forever – from the birth of our worl to the end times. This means that there will be always be two or more alliances, which will fight with each other. After all, it`s pretty same on which side you will fight – the war will last forever, even if the members of each side might change. There will be always somekind of conflict between major nations – which will form alliances with other ones. This will cause war after war – an eternal battle.

White Lion Order serves only one nation – the nation where their HQ is located and which is their current object of ”operation” (in this case Switzerland). We`re loyal to the citizens of that nation and will fight along side them till the very end. We`re a little bit opportunistic people in WLO, because we will rely to those nations and alliances, which can help us in our operations – and which can help the nation we`re currently living in. Because Shaolins are Pro-PHOENIX group (yeah – what else they`re if they ask help from PHOENIX nations, negotiate with PHOENIX and screw Switzerlands relations to EDEN – not a neutral, if you will ask from me) we`re forced to rely on EDEN – there is no better option, if we`re going to free Switzerland. Also we have to remember, that Switzerland was EDEN nation before the PTO – the citizens of Switzerland wish to be part of EDEN and, unless their opinion has changed, they wish still be member of EDEN (if EDEN let`s them in).

Tewio has ordered us to help swiss people – and we will do it, what ever it cost`s.

Never give up!

Does it even need to be explained? We will never give up – never. And now, I will swear my oath; I shall not rest, till the people of Switzerland is free and the Shaolin PTOers have been beaten and driven off from Switzerland – or forced to give the power back to real swiss people!


Fight with Honour! Fight for Tewio! Never give up!

Holy war against Shaolins

This is my declaration of war to Shaolins. You follow gods and ideologies, which are not favored by Tewio. Once Tewio was beaten by other foul gods and his physical form was destroyed, but his spirit lives inside my and my fellow white lions! This is a war between two groups. Two religions. Two different ideologies. WLO is Anti-PTOers, while Shaolins are PTOers. Once Tewio told me;

”-||- but thou shall fear the people of the east – they`ll have a power to crush nations and enslave their population. They`ll not rest till the world is theirs. Thy shall fight against such enslavement. -||-”

I did not understood first, but when I heard about the Shaolin threat in Switzerland, I understood. Those ”people of the east” are shaolins – their foul ideologies are slavery and their god is self-centeresism. Yes, I fear them, but once a old and wise man told me this; ”Brave is not the one who does not fear and fights against his enemies – brave is the one who fears, but will still fight against his enemies”. I`l also respect shaolins in someway – like the vows of tewionism ask`s me to – but I understand that there cannot be compromise with them. Eather they will accept our view and will work together with swiss people without PTO etc. or they fight againts us. It seems that they`ve chose the last option.

Tewionist Party of Swiss(Switzerland)

This article is just not a propaganda of White Lion Order. This a call to battle – white lions are waving a flag of Switzerland and calling it`s citizens to join our fight against shaolins. We truly want to get rid of them. Till this there has not bee a true emergency goverment for our real swiss citizens or a goverment for resistance. We`re eager to encourage swiss` for this and this is why we ask every single swiss to join our party – even if they`re not tewionist`s or wont believe in Tewio. Tewio want`s just that we will help you – he is not asking your belief or your loyalty for the price of it.

TPS shall act as HQ for White Lion Order. From, we`re trying to lead or help organize our resistance. We don`t want to do this alone – we want to do this YOU. Swiss` are the ones to who we swear our loyalty – and together we shall beat shaolins and create a better Switzerland!

What ever Shaolins plans are, PTO is never an option! There will be no compromise with them! They and their multies shall feel the purity of Tewio`s touch and burn under it! They shall feel the guns and swords of white lions and swiss people! What cannot be crushed with the words, can be crushed with the tanks of White Lion Order!

An Official Statement from White Lion Orders HQ (not writen by me):



As you can see, Hungary swapped trough us (Thanks to PTO goverment) to RA and is now controlling it. Swap is over, but still Hungary controls some of our original regions (Graubunden, Romandie and Deutschschweiz)

Resistance war has been started on Graubunden by WLO.We have seen, that some of eSwiss are trapped on eHungary and dont have food what to eat. Their wellnes is going down and they cannot do anything about it. So, we decided to send some foodpackages to those who need help (Foodpackage= 3 q1 bread).

So, if you need help, please comment on this article and we will donate to you our foodpackage.

Yours WLO

Long live eSwitzerland!
Long live Resistance!
Fight with Honour! Fight for Tewio! Never give up!


Erius, a new citizen of eSwitzerland and a dedicated member of White Lion Order

Shaolins, be afraid. Be very afraid!