Back in...Green?

Day 1,334, 11:40 Published in USA Belgium by Kylero

That's right! The eUS Green Party(USGP) has been reborn!

After a long year and a half of being tossed around from leader to leader, name to name...the USGP has been reborn to reflect its history of past political relevance. For you old guys out there, you may remember a sexy redhead by the name of Astra Kat G. Yes, she was a Green! Or perhaps a cool guy who really likes RFK, Jamarcus. Also a Green! Oh, then there's myself...but I don't like to brag.

"Big deal, so what, you wanna fight about it?"
Well, no, because the USGP advocates for nonviolent means of negotiation. But I will fight for it, and I want you to do as well! Are you tired of being just a number in a large party? Do you want to be part of something big? Let me tell you, when I was PP of the USGP during WWIII, we had about 20 members, and within a month of regaining our regions, we were over 100. If you want to be part of something big, and move this party from less than 5 people to over 100, do not hesitate to stand up and raise your hand!

And finally...

For the gents and lesbians:

For the ladies and homos:

Go Green!
