Around the World #37; Competent Italians

Day 2,009, 00:33 Published in Canada Canada by Shoi12

So, how has the week passed in the New World? Who has made progress? Who has been dealt the scent of defeat? Find out in this week's edition of Around the World!


North America

Viva la Canada


Belligerents: Canada, France vs. Spain
Results: Let's face it. Canada had no chance. Quebec barely raised its Canadian flag before it was quickly taken down and replaced by the Spanish flag once more. Canada has been wiped once more by their simply more powerful enemies. There simply wasn't any doubt in anyone's mind, as the Canadians' return to the map was simply a flash in the pan and not part of something greater. Interestingly, Spain has decided to move ahead and go after France through occupied Nova Scotia. France is another easy target to go after, but it's curious as to what their actual goal is. It's obviously not for bonuses. What could be Spain's plan? And will USA get involved?

Winner (this week): Spain (devastating)
Winner (campaign): Spain (devastating)

South America



The War for South South America

Belligerents: Argentina, Bolivia, Uruguay vs. Chile, Brazil, Paraguay
[no active front]

Winner (campaign): Chile, Brazil, Paraguay (devastating)

The Colombia Revolution

Belligerents: Colombia vs. Mexico
[no active front]

Winner (campaign): Mexico (devastating)


The Scandinavian Scuffle



[no active front]




Balkan Liberation

Belligerents: Croatia, Albania, Bosnia and Herzegovina vs. Serbia
Results: With Albania and Israel both safely secure, the mission seems to be over. Croatia has most of its land liberated, and attempted to rush into Serbian lands, but as the Serbs repelled the attack, Croatia seems to have accepted that they can't get much more out of the war. As such, Serbia has since been eating up Croatian lands and rebuilding its empire. Of course, Croatia does have a viable move northward, theoretically able to attack Slovenia and give their ally Italy a hand. However, most likely this will be the end of this Balkan endeavor. Until next time, boys. Until next time.

Winner (this week): Serbia
Winner (campaign): Croatia, Albania, Bosnia and Herzegovina

The Italian Liberation

Belligerents: Italy vs. Slovenia
Results: Italy has been lying dormant for months. Sitting in their little isolated corner, all they've done is hold training wars with Slovenia and pray that their RWs don't win and bring Serbia a-comin'. However, the disgruntled Italian people finally snapped, Abruzzo quickly falling to rebel hands. Marche fell in a grand battle to Italian forces as well. For the first time in months, Italy is seeing true action, and they haven't shown any rust. Slovenia has TWO backing, so it's hard to see any easy victories coming for Italy. However, Italy is no chump. This will be a very entertaining battle, no matter who wins.

Winner (this week): Italy
Winner (campaign): Italy

The Iranian Freedom Movement

Belligerents: Iran, Turkey vs. FYROM
Results: FYROM has been using Iran as a shield for weeks, releasing just enough regions to block off the Turks from invading from the west. If Turkey attacked Iran, after all, they would lose all their common allies, if not their entire stack. However, the Turks and Iranians decided to test their luck, going around the issue by having Iran attack Turkey. With Turks storming in from the west, FYROM has been falling back like hell. Iran has taken regions back with RWs, both the occupied regions and the freed regions from Turkey. Russia attempted to support their FYROM ally by attacking Turkey, but Iran sealed off any such chance. FYROM is under great threat of being wiped.

Winner (this week): Iran, Turkey (devastating)
Winner (campaign): Iran, Turkey (devastating)

The TWO-CoT Skirmish

Belligerents: Bulgaria vs. Romania, Greece
Results: While their ally is being assaulted in the north, Bulgaria is also being continuously pounded. With Turkey sitting ominously on their border in Egypt, many assumed the Turks would be their next foe. However, it was not to be, as Romania battled the Bulgarians in Europe. Romania alone put up a solid fight against Bulgaria, but with Greece on their side as well, Bulgaria is essentially destroyed in Europe. Romania cannot reach Bulgaria in the Middle East, but Greece can easily stage an attack on pro-Bulgaria state Egypt through Cyprus and potentially threaten Bulgaria's presence on the map. With new TWO allies, Romania and Greece have been far more potent.

Winner (this week): Romania, Greece
Winner (campaign): Romania, Greece



Six-Day Wars
Albania receives another region
Training wars galore

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Freya's Theme

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Until next time, take care!

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