Around the World #34; Food Fights

Day 1,972, 23:59 Published in Canada Canada by Shoi12

So, how has the week passed in the New World? Who has made progress? Who has been dealt the scent of defeat? Find out in this week's edition of Around the World!


North America

Viva la Canada
[note: Canada has secured three regions (Newfoundland and Labrador, Nova Scotia, and Nunavut), but has no active front with Spain]

South America



The War for South South America

Belligerents: Argentina, Bolivia, Uruguay vs. Spain, Brazil, Chile
Results: Spain paved its way through Argentina with ease, taking over Argentinian cores while they were off burning crumpets in Cornwall. It seemed as if the entire continent was fully under CoTWO control. But Argentina has come back for round two. Blasting into Buenos Aires, Argentina took advantage of a massive coordinated RW effort with Canada and Portuguese rebels to secure a region back on the continent. And with Argentina quickly moving in the familiar landscape and the outskirts of the Spanish empire flaring up, it may be a bit too much for the Spaniards to handle.

Winner (this week): Argentina
Winner (campaign): Spain, Brazil, Chile (devastating)

The Colombia Revolution (on hold until Colombia regains regions)
[note: Colombia has taken Amazonica, but it will be conquered by Peru barring a major change]




The Waffle-Fries War

Belligerents: France vs. Belgium
Results: C'mon, it had to be the name for the war. Anyway, the Belgians couldn't avoid war twice, as France's NE proposal finally passed after being shot down once. However, despite France's aggression and superior numbers, they were resoundingly turned back from Flanders by major CoT tanking. After their massive defeat, France simply gave up on the main front, and has since focused its tactics on the resistance wars, hoping to catch Belgium off-guard. Unfortunately for the new EDEN nation, Belgians have held down their new holdings well, preventing any potential revolution. France will need a major turnaround to avoid a wipe.

Winner (this week): Belgium
Winner (campaign): Belgium

The Poorly Navigated War for the Falklands

Belligerents: Argentina, Ireland vs. United Kingdom, Poland
Results: Argentina and Ireland finished off the Brits, at least momentarily. With the UK's hopes for turning the war around and pushing off the Argentinians off the island low, they simply accepted their fate, choosing to fight from the shadows as they had many times in their past. Luckily for UK, the Brits can now look to Poland for help, and prior to the first battle in SW England, the resistance has begun, with Leeds reconquered by British forces. Yet, Argentina still controls the vast majority of the island and Ireland holds onto Northern Ireland and Scotland. Much work for the Brits and Poles to do if they wish to free the island.

Winner (this week): Argentina, Ireland
Winner (campaign): Argentina, Ireland (devastating)

The Scandinavian Scuffle



Belligerents: Finland, Norway, Sweden vs. Lithuania, Estonia, Germark, Latvia
Results: The Asgard homeland has been ravaged by former ABC nations and their new partner Germark. While most of the noticeable fighting has been in Finland, where Finnish troops held off Estonia for most of the week but started losing ground late thanks to a Lithuanian front opening up, the most interesting fighting has certainly been in Sweden. There, Swedish troops have been tanking to regain regions and return to the map, yet freedom seems just slightly out of reach, the Lithuanians holding back a strong charge to find the map once more. With Finland seemingly on its last legs, Sweden will need to find the map quick to prevent a full Asgard eradication in Europe.

Winner (this week): Lithuania, Estonia, Germark, Latvia
Winner (campaign): Lithuania, Estonia, Germark, Latvia (devastating)


Balkan Liberation



Belligerents: Croatia, Albania, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Israel vs. Serbia
Results: At last, the promised has arrived! Beginning with an Albanian charge to retake its regions, revolts started to flare all over the massive Serbian empire. Unfortunately for the EDEN hopefuls, the main battles are rarely as fruitful as the resistance wars. Though Albania succeeded in taking Kosovo before being pushed back last time, the Albanians did not nab initiative even once, going with little struggle. However, the position is still respectable for EDEN. In addition to usual suspects Croatia and Bosnia holding onto territories, Aquitaine has fallen to French control, and Israel is half liberated. An Israeli liberation at the very least would be a victory for EDEN.

Winner (this week): Serbia (minor)
Winner (campaign): Serbia (minor)

The War for Cairo

Belligerents: Greece vs. Bulgaria, Macedonia
Results: Greece continued its downfall, as Bulgarian and Macedonian troops swarmed in through both the north and south. Bulgaria has completely kicked Greece out of its Middle Eastern interests, and Macedonia has put a large dent in the Greek homeland. But with alliance interests pointing elsewhere, Macedonia has momentarily let go of the gas, which Greece is taking full advantage of, seizing the initiative and freeing regions with great emphasis and desperation. All of a sudden, while Greece is a power cut to size, it is very much alive. Look for many close fights Greece hopes to rebuild the empire against Macedonian wishes.

Winner (this week): Bulgaria, Macedonia (devastating)
Winner (campaign): Bulgaria, Macedonia (devastating)

The Iranian Freedom War

Belligerents: Iran vs. Macedonia
Results: The wipe went as expected. The vastly overpowered nation, Iran simply succumbed to Macedonian attacks as the Balkan emigrant took over the Iranian people's land. However, as Macedonia looked elsewhere, there was Iran to quickly retake more regions. Though not a member of EDEN, Iran didn't even need the support to reconquer their home regions, building up a solid ridge of liberated regions along the east. Though still on very shaky footing, Iran avoided a long-term wipe, at least momentarily. Still, it will take a lot for Iran to fully overthrow their occupiers. But a small first step, surely.

Winner (this week): Iran (minor)
Winner (campaign): Macedonia (devastating)


The War Down Under
[note: Australia has taken Tasmania, so if they make progress, they will be covered]

Six-Day Wars
Turkish regions traded from Serbia to Poland
Netherlands seizes Southern Netherlands
USA and Mexico TW (USA to take Baja)

Japanese Music
Mainstream Music
Video Game Music


Recommended by Mazzy_Cat (♥)

Until next time, take care!

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