Anthony Pledges to End Wars in eArmenia by 2017

Day 3,067, 14:55 Published in Armenia Iran by Anthony Buchanan

The Labour Party's leader, Anthony have announced that he pledges to end wars and violence in eArmenia by 2017 so that in a effort for eArmenia to be the first-fully peaceful nation in the eRepublik world. He also plans to establish community centres in eArmenia so that they can help eArmenians stop their bad ways and for them to work harder and enjoy a positive life in eArmenia's society. Anthony also wants eArmenians to work and to follow laws and regulations so that they won't make another crime/conflict. He also says that after our country is unified in the next few months, He will make sure that eArmenia will be free of violence and he will be committed to promote peace and harmony to eArmenia and he wants everybody in eArmenia to vote for him next month as President of eArmenia(so that he can get 40%-55% of the nationwide vote) so that he can make eArmenia a safer and welcoming place for everyone and a place to work and to live.