And another thing...

Day 1,401, 03:50 Published in Egypt Egypt by Franz Kafka

Today I speak my mind...

I am fed up of these Albanian chipmunks messing up our country and politics.

Isn't it time for some real Martians to lead this country?

No matter what the Albanian chipmunks say, they are not Martian, and they only care about the interests of Chipmunks.

Even a dumb stupid Martian is better than a chipmunk.

Long live Mars!

[insert patriotic, slightly absurd pictures here, plus one of a sparsely clad women if you want to get your article voted]

Trolls welcome.

P.S. Don't waste your breath on irony, it'll not translate.

P.P.S. Don't even bother blaming the Martians for aligning themselves with the Andromedan clowns. The Albanian chipmunks' friends the Former Ukrainian Crown Kingdom of Yu pushed the Martians into it.

P.P.P.S. Don't make acronyms it could get you banned.

P.P.P.P.S. If you can't read English go get google translate.