America, there is a national issue which we must all discuss[EN/TR]

Day 1,261, 09:20 Published in USA USA by Emerick
We have too many regions.

We have Canadian regions, we have home regions, we have Mexican regions, and we even have some piggish regions across the Atlantic where we can build camps and prisons for those who are too piggish in nature for the average, red-blooded American to endure. Like Pfeiffer.

You think that I'm joking, but this is actually not optimal. This war mod makes it extremely cheap and easy to free conquered territory, as we've pointed out so many, many times. Like with Croatia. And France. Germany. Oh, and US.

Luckily for us, however, our southern neighbors, if they continue to refuse to talk to us, are easy to conquer. Spain, on the other hand, is mildly more tricky. And not just because Spanish people sound like they should be brown, but you go to Spain and everyone is white. I mean that they're actually a decent sized country. Again, lucky for us, we have a friend who not only loves to invade Spain, but also happens to have borders with them.

Look at that perfectly browned coating

Also, lucky for us, NWO is really busy being invaded.

Also, if you look at Spain's society page, you'll see a lot of this:

DO NOT BE ALARMED. This is completely normal for a country that loves our members inside of them. And who can blame them? We're America.

Long story short - we turned this war around very nicely :3


Now about a more somber national issue - JCS-executive relations. Secretary Avruch wrote about it yesterday. The issue happened when Chairman Reala of the JCS paramilitary went camping irl last weekend, and those of us in the executive in National Security Council, of which Reala and his second in command have a chair, were unaware of this leave of absence. There's nothing wrong with enjoying yourself irl at all, and I can even understand if no one knows if there's an emergency, but I think that people in the JCS paramilitary were aware before Saturday evening, when we went looking for Reala in order to solidify our plans.

His second in command, Channing, was unresponsive on IRC, so Avruch, being the IRC-phile that he is, just like me and most of my staff(we prefer IRC to forums and such for their quick and easy responses), assumed he was also afk, so he went down the ladder until he found someone responsive and responsible. Seems reasonable to me.

What ensued last night, when Reala came online, was a flurry of activity and conversations between him and Avruch, and him and I. I didn't get into an argument with him like Avruch did, but I was also told that he wasn't going to add anyone else to the NSC to facilitate communication to his group which, to me, seems really strange. Usually, if one is offered more seats on a council, it's considered more representation for their group, and more of a chance to get their voice heard, so I don't get this.

The NSC is extremely vital to our national security, and houses leaders of all major military units in the US. Its chairman, Clemens65, is charged with passing around plans and orders, along with Avruch. Clemens also helps put together plans with the rest of the NSC, and has access to Terra HQ. Basically, Avruch and Clemens are interchangeable. Only difference is the military they command.

I bring up all this because, during the course of my conversation with Reala, he told me that I have access to the JCS forum to pass along orders, which is when I reminded him that the NSC is our country's replacement for the old JCS. Which is when I offered to give the entire JCS seats on the NSC, to make it more like what they're used to.

Now, this all seems very petty, and it mostly is, but it outlines the issues in communication we've had with the JCS, and that they're not willing to help us help them help us. And that sucks.

Now, as a private militia, they're free to do all this. They're still refusing to accept funding, so we have no bargaining chips with them, and when I think about it, that's probably why. It's just kind of problematic when one of our three largest paramilitaries in the country isn't playing ball, while the other two are bending over backwards to get this war won.

Anyways, Spain sucks, lol.


Kanada’dan bölgelerimiz var, kendi bölgelerimiz var, Meksika’dan bölgelerimiz var ve hatta Atlantik’in öteki tarafında harbi Amerikalılar’ın (Pfeiffer gibi) tahammül edemeyeceği gibiler için esir kampları ve hapishaneler yapabileceğimiz bölgeler bile var.

Şanslıyız ki, güney komşularımız bizimle konuşmayı reddetmeye devam ederlerse, kolay işgal edilecekler, öte yandan İspanya biraz daha zor.

Ve yine şanslıyız ki, NWO işgal edilmekle meşgul.

İspanya’nın Society sayfasına bakarsanız, başkente tüm bağlantılarının kesildiğini göreceksiniz. ŞAŞIRMAYIN. Bu içlerinde olmamızı seven bir ülke için son derece normal bir durum. Ama onları kim suçlayabilir? Biz Amerika’yız.

Spain anan zaaaaaaaaaaaaa

Şimdi de biraz daha karanlık bir ulusal mesele – Eski Genelkurmay Başkanı ile ilişkiler. Avruch da dün bahsetmişti. Eski ordunun G.kurmay Başkanı iki günlük geziye çıkıyor, arkasında yetkili kimse bırakmıyor, ikinci komutanı Channing’in de Savunma Bakanı’yla NCS (Ulusal Güvenlik Konseyi) Irc kanalından iletişimde olmasını yasaklıyor. Savunma Bakanı da bu yüzden daha alt kademeden bir yetkiliye başvurunca eleman yok yere bozuk atıyor. NCS’ye daha fazla temsilcisinin eklenmesi teklif edilmesine rağmen bunu kabul etmemesi pek anlaşılır bir durum değil.

Bütün bunlar fındık kabuğunu doldurmayacak meseleler ama eski G.kurmay Başkanı ile olan iletişimimizi ve bize yardımcı olmak istemediklerini ve bizden de yardımcı olmamızı istemediklerini ortaya koyuyor. Ve bu berbat bir durum.

Şimdi özgür bir milis birlik olarak, bunları yapmada özgürler, bizden ödenek almayı reddediyorlar ve bu yüzden onlarla pazarlık şansımız yok, düşündüğümde de bunu bu sebepten kabul etmiyorlar zaten. Ancak ülkenin bağımsız askeri gücünün, ülkedeki diğer iki milis birliğin savaşı kazandırmak adına beli bükülürken elini suya sabunu sokmaması sorun yaratıyor.

Herneyse, İspanya berbat. xD
-translation by Cruinne

President Emerick
May 4, 2011
Day 30
Signing out