Day 878, 10:31 Published in Serbia Serbia by Vuk01

Drugar iz jedinice mladen81 je donirao 8 golda za pomoc igracima sa kriticnim well.

Pokloni ce biti kupljeni na eSrpskom marketu preko mog orga Razvoj i doniranje ce biti sa Razvoja.

Kratko i jednostavno igraci do level 17. koji imaju well nizi od 93. dobijaju gift do te vrednosti ili 10 well ako je potrebno.

Preko posrednika nema lecenja javite vasim prijateljima da se sami jave u komentaru ili porukom.

Spisak donatora od cijih je donacija u ranijem periodu vrseno lecenje igraca :

Nevermore93 has transfered 10 products to your inventory.

sipetic4 has transfered 32 RSD to your account.

zojosi has transfered 1 products to your inventory.

milanrailic2 has transfered 10 RSD to your account.

Dushanka has transfered 2 products to your inventory.

Vucko1991 has transfered 1 GOLD to your account.

Davorche13 has transfered 4 products to your inventory

razorkg has transfered 5 products to your inventory.

DimitrijeBP has transfered 1 GOLD to your account.


*zbog RL obaveza akcije ce biti vrsene samo vikendom
